

A Day Of A Hellish Ride
Riley wakes up before the dawn breaks. She and her friends decided to go on a summer vacation for a week. Since she's 19 now and already at college, her parents just let her. She uses her red sports car which her dad's gift to her on her graduation day. She slipped her army sling bag at the back and drives off.
They are going to meet up at the exclusive beach for the rich kids outside of the country which is five hours ride.
She's been 4 hours riding her way. She's at the countryside now. She's enjoying the scenery when a black sports car pass her like a wind leaving dusts on her car. She chase him. She steps on the gas and driving 180. She's neck to neck with the black car. The window of the black sports car roll down and the good-looking guy driver waves at her and smirks, then leave her behind driving like a wind. "What?" She exclaims silently. She follows the car.
As she copes up, the black car swerves in the middle of the highway blocking the way. She swerves right into the sideway and get ahead of him. The driver honks. "So what now, handsome? Hahaha!" She talks to herself and laughs silently. She swerve left and right blocking the way of the car as it tries to pass her. There's a hump ahead of the way, she blocks the sight of the black car and speeds up. She hits the humps and her car flies up. The car behind her did the same. They race again through their way when they hit the ground. Their engines are raging. Riley maintains her position. She speeds up and the car behind keeps tailing her. She speeds up at the curve but the car behind her take the straight grassy sideway and speeds up ahead of her while she's taking the curve. And now, he's ahead of her again. The driver blows his horn as he speeds up. She follows him and they race on and off against each other until they reach the city and the streets are busy where racing has no place.
She reached the beach and park her car beside Nathan where there's a sign "Reserved for Riley Belszch - Nathan". The parking teller told her.
She gets her bag and get inside finding her friends at the beach watching the beach.
"Hi! I think I'm late?" She said. Well, we just arrived. We reserved you a parking in case the beach is full." Kush said. "Yeah! I think the beach is nearly full early in the morning." She said. "Let's go to the suite." Lii said. They all went up to their suites.
Kush, Lii and Riley shares one room while Nathan and Vyn share their boys room.
They eat breakfast at the restaurant of the beach and went on the beach after.
She's wearing a black flower printed swimming shorts and one piece under it. "Pheew." Nathan whistles at looking at her body as they walk pass them. "Oh hey there, handsome." She said and slaps Nathan at shoulder. Nathan laughs at her. "Got a good bods, Riley! I always thought you were a man in a woman's body." He and Vyn laughs. She turns around and walk back. Her four friends watch her walk towards Nathan. She pulls Nathan's head and put her lips on his. "Wow!" Kush and Lii said giving each other a high five. After 5 seconds, she pulls and give a wink at the blushing Nathan. "Wow!" Nathan said touching his lips. She walks out. "Wow! That's a clean kiss, man! Her first kiss. Oh my god! Riley, Nate's your first kiss?" Vyn yells at her way but too far for her to mind.
The three girls are wave surfing when she recognize the driver of the black sports car earlier. He seemed not to recognize her.
"C'mon Lii!" Kush yells at Lii behind them. They are racing enjoying catching big waves. After 3 hours playing in the water, they head to the shore and eat lunch with Nathan and Vyn at the seafood restaurant in front of the beach. While eating, "Hi! Do you remember me? Can I join in your table? Look, I'm alone so I don't have someone to eat with." The driver of the black sports car said with a tray of foods on his hands. "Sure!" Riley said pointing the chair next to Vyn. The guy sits down and started eating with them.
"Anyways, my name is Vogue. I enjoyed the race earlier. I'm impressed, you wouldn't even let me pass you." The guy said. Everyone stares at him curiously. "We met earlier on the road and our two sports car had a little arguments that none of us can settle." Vogue said. "Yeah, he's telling the truth. Vogue is a bit hard on my red sports car Riley." She said then flush a smile on her face and give her hand to him for a handshake. Vogue takes it, "Nice to meet you, Riley." Vogue said smiling at her. "I'm Vyn and this is Nathan." Vyn said and Nathan waves his hand at him. "I'm Kush and this is Lii." Kush said. They eat while talking about the race that happened between Riley and Vogue.
They stayed for a week vacation at the beach with Vogue as their new friend.
© Rise Kingdom