

♦Those who go one step further ♦
Everyone can see him climbing up the stairs...
Everyone can see him climbing over the railing,
everyone can see him standing on the edge down to the abby's.
His last words:
"It's not the people who stand on the edge, it's those who go one step further"

With tears in his eyes he jump down the building, and repeatedly say to himself:
"until now everything is alright,
until now everything is alright"
to calm himself down.

But it's not the fall, it's the landing wich is important...
His last breath at the 10th floor,
his last blink with the eye when he passed second,
a last smile at the first, right before he hit the ground.
Did he had regrets when he jumped,
what were his reasons?
Did he left someone alone,
or did he jumped because he felt lone.

On his last note is written:
"I will catch you if you fall.
signed ~the ground"

But now he jumped,
now he is dead,
and will ask himself:
What now?
He will realise:
Now that he is dead he is even more alone...

Now everything that is left is a red puddle on the ground,
everyone just watched it happend,
no one said a word,
or tried to hold him back,
and that's the society we living in....

A society were a man can jump of a building without anyone care,
without anyone notice....