


Becky is known for regularly skipping class, but one day she accidentally hurts someone's feelings. Will her guilt and desperation help her resolve her love problems?

POV - BECKY willem

"When I chuckled in front of her, she gave me a furious look. I apologize to Lily; I was just grinning at her. She yelled at me and sprinted out the door, "You don't know what the hell you've done to him." I simply stood still for a while. Then I felt a strong sense of guilt. Also coming to mind were the events of the previous months of my life.

My name is Becky Willem, a brilliant kid in my school. My academic career was really wonderful. Unlike other pupils, I don't require...  teacher, In this specialty, I enjoy skipping class. I soon received numerous accusations that I had skipped courses, but nobody took me seriously because of my strong academic performance. Then gradually, all of the teachers I am aware of stopped caring about my practice of bunking.

Yet one day, while I was a university student, everything changed when a new professor moved into our department. Carl Matthew, the charming and intelligent teacher. Even the boys in our class admired him, including the girls. In keeping with my typical practice, I also skipped his classes. Who gives a professor a damn? However, the academy's principal called me the following day. I was astounded because this was a first for me. The principal and teachers in the past didn't mind when I skipped class because they knew how hard I worked to learn. But this time, he lectured and reprimanded me for an hour. Then he threatened to take away my degree certificate and expel me as well. I then met Professor Carl for the first time outside of the workplace. I was alarmed; were you alarmed?"

"I experienced shivers down my spine. 'You'd better come to my class starting today,' he grinned and turned to go. But no, it was all his plan.

Professor Carl is the president of the student council when I am a high school student, so allow me to introduce him more. He frequently complained about me in high school. I irritated him a lot in high school as payback. Then he quickly left for study abroad. Do they call it karma, darn it? I am lost. I then experienced failure for the first time in my life. I astonished even my classmates when I went to my first class And interacted with them for the first time. Since I'm well-known for skipping courses, he wasted no time.

Mr. Carl: I'm going to exact my retribution on you!

I then gave serious thought to getting retribution, but how? I can't contact him in the issue of studies and sports. How am I supposed to knock him out? I then met Lily, my best friend and a skilled hacker, and all of a sudden had a wonderful idea.

I simply told her about all of my concerns, and she helped me. She stole his number after hacking into his phone. She then created a personal phone number for me. I also created a false phone. Hence, my aim is to irritate him by impersonating Jane Stellar and seeming like a bigger admirer. He tried to block me and report me, but he was unable to locate me at first. Eventually, it started working. I'm so delighted to watch him lose his cool. Even though the days have gone and he no longer responds to my phone calls, something strange has started to happen between us. He and I are approaching each other more and more. He seemed to be eagerly anticipating my phone calls, in my opinion. He was unaware that Jane Stellar was really me, though.

He eventually declared his love to me one day. What should I do? My mind was racing with thoughts of retaliation, so I decided to take advantage of the situation to humiliate him. That only made me more shocked. I just made the decision to face him.

As that day arrived, I eagerly awaited him in a coffee shop. It was fairly packed. He messaged me, so I simply told him about my table. He discovered me next, and his astonishment level was very high. I was bothered even by his eyes, so I just avoided him. I grinned at him and humiliated him in front of the audience with harsh words. But Surprisingly, he remained silent. But, I could see the pain in his eyes and the fact that he was acting foolishly in front of me. And gave me a slow smile, but I could tell it hurt. He then hurried for the door, and when Lily arrived, she was furious with me.

I graduated from My university,

It's been 2 years... Professor Carl's resignation after that event even shocked me. How come he did it? I had a lot of questions and was really confused. His eyes, with that expression, began to creep up on me every night from that day forward. I just don't get it.

Why do I feel so much pain? Now I regret playing with someone's feelings. After that incident, Lily even ended her friendship with me. She even called me a 'bitch'.

It's also true that she supported me in the first place; she thought this joke was just part of my other joke. However, she also didn't expect it to get serious, and playing with someone's feelings wasn't in her plans at all. After that day, I stopped taking lessons and focused on my studies. I have no friends when Lily is gone.

That day, she rushed to me and was furious at my situation. My merry life and happiness are also gone. This guilt gets worse. Then I decided to meet Lily. At first, she rejected me, and little by little, she agreed to meet me in the same cafe.

Then she came. I was about to greet her, but suddenly she slapped me in the face. I was freaking out, and all the people in the cafe were looking at us weirdly too. I really don't understand why she hit me for no reason. I tried to smile at her. Then she sat down peacefully, and after a few minutes, everything will be back to normal.

"How are you doing?" she asked me. I gave her a nervous smile. "I know you're not well either," she smiled and told me angrily, "YOU DESERVE IT."

"I'm sorry," I told her. She looked at me in surprise. "Well, why did you call me?" she asked. "It's been 2 years, well... I... I started stuttering in front of her." She smiled at me again. "Want to play other guys with a prank call? I know you are an expert at this," she told me.

Then I suddenly lost my temper and angrily told her, "NO!" Again, it became an awkward situation with people staring at us and mumbling too. So we decided to leave the cafe. "What do you want exactly?" she asked me. "I want to meet Carl," I told her calmly.

"What?" she yelled at me. "Do you still want to hurt him? Let him live in peace."

Angry, she grabbed my shoulder and shook it.

"I know I was so stupid back then. This time, I really want to apologize to him. I want to ask for his forgiveness. I did something terrible. I haven't been able to sleep properly for two years. His memories haunt me every day."

I burst into tears. This time, Lily understands how I feel. I leaned on her shoulder and cried a lot. "YOU ARE A STUPID GIRL, YOU EVEN FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM WITHOUT REALIZING IT," LILY TOLD ME!

"I am?" I asked her.

"Yes, you are, Becky. The feeling you feel now is not guilt, but the feeling that you miss him so much. Then go find him... It boosted me!"


I sat opposite him. I looked into his eyes with confidence. Carl hasn't changed an inch. I have the impression that he has become even more beautiful. Most of the time, I am drawn to his deep eyes. I did my best to find him. Then I found out that he left the country and moved abroad. So I will pursue him there too. Previously, he taught at a famous university, and I went there. On the first day, he was shocked to see me. But I expected a slap from him, but he didn't. Instead, he completely ignored my existence. It hurts, I know. I tried my best to talk to him, but he always avoids me and even locks the doors. Eventually, I managed to chase him to the bar as well.

"You called me here just to repeat the same things to me?" he started talking rudely.

"No," I told him confidently. "I'm so sorry, Carl, for what I've done in the past. I'm so stupid." I held his hands and begged him. And I... Suddenly, I saw something on his finger. It was an engagement ring. At that moment, I felt something in my heart.

Then he smiled at me and told me to let it go. "CARL, HOW CAN YOU BE SO SOFT?" I thought. I smiled painfully at him.

Then suddenly, a beautiful girl came to our table. Carl introduced her to me. "Miss Merl is Carl's fiancée," She spoke to me as well. Seeing them together hurt my heart even more. I was about to confidently confess my feelings for him a few minutes ago, but... I came to a realization. I did not deserve it at all!

I was about to leave, but suddenly there is also another man sitting at our table. Carl introduced him; his name is Johan, Carl's brother. And surprisingly, he was Miss Merl's boyfriend. I looked at his face, and it was like he was about to break off the engagement. Then Carl and I left them alone. He walked me to my apartment. That time, I came to a resolution. Finding you is the best moment of my life. This time, I will never let you go!

Days Gone....
Now I am a final year student. I tried my best to get close to him. Carl is not like before. He is now nice to me, but he can't let go of the past incidents. He is hesitant to trust. I know and understand it, even though I regret my decisions as well. So I didn't bother him that much in the first year. Professor Carl is still popular among the students and teachers. I even heard rumour's about him being pursued by teachers and students again, so it's annoying for me. However, I can't give up. I came this far only for him.

Lily, as usual, gives me phone calls. I share everything with her. She always advises me to slow down. I have only this year left. If I don't get the perfect chance to confess my feelings, I will be doomed for sure. But at the same time, I am afraid that he will reject me in the first phase.
Reason 1: I am his student.
Reason 2: The girl traumatized him.
Reason 3: I played with his feelings.

The above-mentioned are the perfect reasons for rejection. Shit, I am doomed. I lost all my confidence. He has maintained his distance from me in the first year. He still pretends not to know me. I don't have any hope. But Lily was like, "Don't give up." But how can she have this much confidence? It's like she knows something about Carl for sure! Is she hiding something from me? What could it be?

Then the final year classes started. But surprisingly, we have a new transfer student this time. A handsome blonde guy transferred to my class. Wow, I was even surprised to see him. What a handsome guy he is! His name is Dan Mathew. He is very talkative to everyone and soon he becomes the second rank in the class. Of course, I am the first rank student in the class, so for that reason, nobody in the class doesn't like me. But teachers respect me. I don't give a damn about my class. They always treat me in a harsh way, but I treat them the same. So for that reason, I don't have friends. I am left alone.

But soon things began to change. Dan began to take my side, then he talked for justice for me. I was even surprised.The reason I have become like this is that I don't have anyone to stand up for me. I am an orphan, and I was soon adopted by a strict family. They treated me like some kind of marriage material, so I ran away from there and started living my own life at the age of 15. So, I don't have anyone to lean on except Lily. Therefore, Dan is new to my life.

For the first time, after Lily, I got a true male friend. Yes, now Dan and I are close. I thought he was a crazy guy who loves popularity, but he is not. We have so much in common that builds our bond stronger than anything.

We have fun together and study together. I am fully enjoying his company. Soon, rumors about Dan and me began to spread around the college. We were popularly shipped by the students as the 'nerd couple'. But we didn't care about that because we know what our bond is. Still, I didn't know someone was unpleasant about us.

It happened when I was in the library. I was searching for some study material when suddenly I got attracted to the English literature section. I just went to check out William Shakespeare's play, "Romeo and Juliet." For some reason, I imagined Dan as Romeo and me as Juliet. I giggled like an idiot. Then someone shook my shoulder. I turned around, and it was none other than Dan. Then we had a conversation like this:

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?"
"Well, I just remembered someone."
"Someone? Don't tell me you're remembering your crush!"
"Shut up, don't tell anyone!"
"Oh, really? So you think of him as Romeo and you as Juliet, right? You naughty girl..."
"How the hell do you know about that? Can you read my mind or something?"

I blushed in front of him, and he began to tease me. Then, with an angry face, I punched him in the stomach. However, he lost his balance and fell on top of me. We both laughed. Suddenly, we were interrupted by someone's presence.

I looked at the person and was surprised. It was none other than Professor Carl. We both stood up, and when someone saw us, we were in a romantic couple's position. Then, the professor gave me a death glare. It was the first time I saw that expression on his face. It had been so long since I last saw him. My last meeting with Professor Carl was at that cafe. After that, he avoided me. And now, here we are.

#To be continued....
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