

Love of kavin...
Chapter :6. Kavin went to his sister ragi to get her number,but she said i didn't have her number ,i forget to get it.Kavin was upset when his sister told like that.He was disppointed and upset.By seeing the photo of liya the days were gone with sorrow.After three days......In college vicky ask to kavin that "why man please leave that you can get an chance to meet liya and then you can also get her number also ,don't get mood off,cheer up my friend ,in this three days you not in yourself,i missing my friend kavin very much who is take it easy boy, please talk with me as my kavin ".Kavin said"no vicky ,i can't be my self,i see her just one day but i remembering her till now ."In my mind full of questions and desire that i want to see liya,want to talk with her lot and lot ,want to be with her,hold her hands,long walk its all distrubing my mind ,so only i not able to be myself.Vicky said "ok leave it please relax ,believe me i wish you will see liya soon but kavin can i ask a question".kavin said what?. vicky said "did you love her so much?don't say lie to me please say the truth ".Kavin said"i think so iam not fall just in love ,i feel with deep love on liya,because i never missed a person like this in my life,its new to me ,these things make me to feel like that she is very important for my life."After kavin said like this vicky had no words to express his feelings ,the college ends with silence on each other.Kavin went to his home sadly , he freshed up and sat in his room.Ragi came to his room for charge.Ragi said "kavin i need your charger,my charger is not working ,".Kavin said "get away from my room, i also want to charge my phone".Ragi said "please".Kavin said "no way after my phone get charge full ,then you can charge your phone , Ok".With angry face ragi leave his room and went to kitchen.Kavin hear that both mother and daughter were talking,on that conversation he hear the name of liya so he get shocked,to ask about that kavin called his sister to come to his room.At first she ignore it ,at second call she went to his room.Ragi said "for what you calling me, did your phone get charged full? ".kavin said "no,i just call you to speak about something that?".Ragi "what tell me?"Kavin "first sit my dear sister,".They both were sat on bed.kavin ask"what you was talking in kicthen?".Ragi said "i was discussing with my mom about something,what is your problem?".kavin said"no that i heared the name liya ,so only i think that you talking somethink about liya".Ragi said "hey ,yeah i forget to tell you,today i met liya".By hearing this kavin heart starting to beat fast,his face fully turned into smile and cheer ful.Kavin ask lot of questions like where?when?did you talk with her?what she said?did she fine? tell me ragi..Ragi said "yehh plzz relax ,give some time to speak ,be quiet".Kavin said "ok tell me what happened?" Ragi said "i met her at central park,she look so beautiful.Kavin think in mind that i know she is always beautiful."While ragi explaining, mom called her for help,so she went.With full of excitement ,kavin started to jump, and dancing and to share this happiness he call vicky.Vicky said "yes tell me idoit what can i do for youuuu??!!".Kavin said "vicky ,ragi said that she saw liya today at central park ,i think today ragi has get liya 's number."Vicky said "hey it good news ,i wish sister have her number ,enjoy kavin*".While they talking her sister enter into room,kavin down his phone and kept in bed ,vicky was in line.Ragi said "yea my phone is going to switched off ,give me charger kavin. "Kavin said "ok i will charged your phone fully but plzz tell what she said?".Ragi said "did she message you?".Kavin said"no but how can she message? ,she not have my number ."Ragi said "but today she get your number and she ask about you."Kavin said with cheer"what ?is it true?".Ragi said "yeah ,so only i asked did she message you?,ok kavin mom have lot of works at kitchen so she call me to work ,i want to go plzzz charger my phone."she went out of the room.Kavin pick the phone fast and said to vicky that did you hear that ?liya ask about me yeaahhhhh,iam so happy vicky.Vicky said"yes ,i heared that but kavin i think she also liked you so only she asked your number,liya also loving you my idoit!".Kavin said "if this became true i will do any think for you vicky,i love you ,love you liya."While kavin shouting he had a second call ,he see that phone the call was from a number he think the number is liya's to confrom that he check ragi's phone ,yes its is liya 's number.Kavin said vicky that liya is calling me vicky ,what can i do? ,vicky said that talk with her this is a super chance to speak ,talk with liya i will call you later,vicky cut the phone.Now kavin started to shevering and his hands was shaking to attend the call.Lets see what is going to happened?..To be continued....#love