

Chapter Twenty-Three

Lana's P.O.V

Mark put Nathan in his room on his bed.

"Do you think that's where you should have put him?"I asked.
"Why are you asking?"He asked me.
"He told me that beds aren't comfortable to him."I said.
"I am not moving him to his coffin.Just because I'm a Vampire doesn't mean I have super strength, ok maybe I do. But no."Mark said.
"Lana, you are tired you need to go to sleep."Candy said.
"I'm fine."I said.
"Lana you stayed up all night, you need to sleep. Would Nathan still want you up?"She asked.
"No"I said.
"Ok, so do this for him."She said.
"Candy! the last thing on my mind right now is sleeping! How can I think about that when I don't even know if my boyfriend is gonna wake up!"I yelled at her.
"Lana I know how you feel-"
"I don't think you do you have never had a real boyfriend until Mark, and you still have him!"I said.
"Ok, Maybe that's true. But I am still your best friend and I don't want to see you like this. I know that the only thing that you want right now is for Nathan to wake up we all want that too. We will all try and figure out how to wake him up later I promise. ok?"She said.

I sighted.

"I'm sorry for what I said."I told her.
"That's fine. Now please can you at least try and go to bed?"She asked.
"Yeah."I said.

I walked out and went to my room.

Later that Day.

While all the others went hunting I went back into Nathan's room. I sat down on his bed beside him.

"I remember the day when you told me that if you died I should be happy and I should move on. I know you are not dead but I'm not happy and I will never move on. I don't care of you stay like this for a hundred years I'll always love you no matter what. Until then I'll come back here every single day just to keep your company. You told me that you are always going to be with me so I'm always going to be with you. I promise."I said.

I kissed him.

"I'll always be by his side too."A squeaky voice said walking in the room.
"Didn't you go with the others?"I asked.
"No, how can I think about blood when I lost my mother, my aunt and possibly my uncle."She said.
"Don't worry you still have them, and it was there bravery that makes you still alive today."I said.

Sophie walked over to me and sat down beside me.

"I know that part of you thinks that it's your fault for what happened to Nathan."She said.
"Why would you think that?"I asked.
"You called out to him, telling him to watch out. That made him turn and look at you, and when he turned the stake missed his heart."She said.
"What are you saying exactly?"I asked.
"Nathan didn't save you, you saved him."She said.
"He's still alive because of me."I said.
"And I know that you are the one that's gonna wake him up."She said.
"Well when we where trapped in a room and Alex cut my arm he was gonna drink my blood but I hugged him and I heard his heartbeat, and well that made him snap out of it."I said.
"Try that again."Sophie said.

I placed my head on his chest I didn't hear anything. Why can't I heat it anymore? No!

I sat back up.

"Did you hear it?"Sophie asked.
"No"I said with tears in my eyes."Why can't I, the only way I can hear it is because of how strong our love is so why can't I hear it again."I said.
"Lana stop think about that, I know he loves you maybe it's just a side effect on what's happened to him. Mark did say he's in two stages right? and well when your dead you don't have a heartbeat."
"He's not dead, right it can't be!"I said.
"He's still alive, and I'll make sure he always stays alive that's my promise."Sophie said.

I smiled.

"We should get out of here."I said.
"Ok."She said.

I took one last look and Nathan and sighted. Sophie held my hand as we both walked out.

"Its going to be hard to live on without him."She said.
"Don't make it sound like he's dead."I said.
"We don't even know for sure if he's even going to wake up."She said.
"Quit acting Lana! Nathan's gone! he's not waking up, you can go ahead and tell yourself every single day that he's going to be awake when you know he won't be."
"How could you say such a thing?"
"I've lost my mom, my aunt and now my uncle. I'm pretty sure everybody around me is going to he dead one day. since Nathan's gone he can't turn you so you are gonn die. Candy and Mark are gonna leave. I'm gonna be alone. It's time I stopped getting attached to people. it's obvious that the universe dosent like vampires so why the hell should I like it?"
"Sophie?.... You can't just doubt yourself. You lost your mom while I don't know who my parents are but do I doubt myself about it?"
"I don't know."
"Yes I'm not sure if I'll ever see my boyfriend smile again or feel him hugging me or holding me even talk to me, but am I doubting myself about it?"
"I guess not."
"You need to just think positive, think about all the things you and him could do if he wakes up. Just don't put any negativity inside your head ok?"

She hugged me.

"Also I'm sorry for what I said."

Then she ran away.

"Ok now that Sophie gone."I heard a voice said.

It was Nathan's mom, she walked inside the room I was standing in.

"That was a really nice speech you told Sophie."She said.
"I guess you heard."
"Yes, That's why I ran back here."
"I'm sorry for wh-"
"Don't tell me your sorry, Apologising is not going to bring my boy back. And do not try any speech that is supposed to get me calmed."She said cutting me off.
"ok"I said.
"I really thought you where the girl for my son but it turns out that I'm wrong."
"What?What do you mean?"

That moment Mark and Candy ran inside the room.

"Oh, hey mom."Mark said.
"Did you sleep well, please tell me you where not twisting and turning?"Candy asked me.
"I'm fine."I said.
"So what are you two talking about?"Mark asked.
"I just told her that she is not the right girl for my son."Mrs.Jenson said.
"What?"Mark asked.
"Why would you think that?"Candy asked.
"If Nathan didn't meet you, he wouldn't have met Alex! If it weren't for you He woudn't have been stabbed multiple times by your friend! if it weren't for you He would still be alive right now! You killed my son!"She said staring at me.

I didn't say anything, tears where coming out of my eyes I felt faint. I kept in seeing Nathan in my head I kept on repeating the scene of when he got stabbed. When i called him making him look at me instead of focusing on killing Alex.

"What the hell are you Crying!?"She asked.
"Mom!STOP!"Mark yelled.
"Well since you want to f*cking blame every thing on my best friend! Why didn't you tell your son not to fall in love with her, everything Nathan did was his choice he decided to love her, he decided to save her, he decided to get stabbed for her and he decided to die for her! everything Nathan did was to protect Lana!"Candy said.
"She's right, even if you did tell Nathan to stay away from her he would sneak out just yo at least see one glimce of her. Nathan has been watching her ever since she was ten years old."Mark said.
"What?"his mom asked.
"Yeah, I was with him most or the time. He didn't love her then but he felt protective of her. When she turned fifteen he started falling for her but she was too young so he didn't go cross her since. He started loving her even more when she was sixteen so he made up the whole thing about marrying Olivia and breaking up with her. The truth is most of the time he said he was going to meet Olivia he was actually watching Lana. When she turned seventeen he bumped into her knowing that she would follow him. And she did."
"Nathan's been in love with this girl for so many years and I didn't know?"Mrs.Jenson asked.
"Yes! but of course you woudn't know. Ever since his first break up you judge ever girl he's ever been with. Lana is not one of those girls."Mark said.
"Oh,my god! Nathan's been watching her for years. Yeah right real funny Mark. I want her out of my house this instant."
"This is not your f*cking house! Why don't you go back to the others and leave her alone!"Mark yelled.
"Are you forgetting that I'm your mother?"
"Are you?"he asked.
"Yes"She said.
"Well you sure as hell don't look like it."Mark said.
"I'll leave."I said.
"What?"Candy asked.
"If it makes you feel better then I'll leave."I said.
"Oh, great! Make sure I don't see you tomorrow."Mrs.Jensen said.

She ran out the room.

"I told you, everybody is going to leave me."I heard a squeaky voice say.
"Sophie how long have you been there?"I asked.
"I didn't leave. But you are."He's said running away.
"Lana are you sure you really want to do that? She's just upset."Candy said.
"I'll just stay with you."I said.
"ok"She said.
"So nobody cares about me."Mark said.
"Why would you say that?"Candy asked him.
"If my brother wakes up and realizes that his freaking girlfriend is gone, he's gonna kill me!"He complained.
"He won't."Candy said.
"Um do you think I could see him one last time before I leave?"I asked.
"Yeah."Candy said.
"please tell me that you'll change yoir mind and decide to stay afterwards?"Mark begged me.
"Shut up!"Candy said.

I went back in the room that Nathan was in.I sat on the bed beside him.

"I know that right now, you'd be really mad at me for leaving. And well if you where Angry...... I don't know. Maybe you'd tell me to go to my room while you stay and have an argument with your mom. Then you'd come back to me and stay with me for a while... I know you don't like the idea of me leaving."

I smiled.

"Do you remember the day we first talk to each other? our first kiss? The first time we got mad at each other? the first time we told each other 'I love you'? All those dates we went on in such short time? The night you tried to scare me? The day you tessed me? All the times you've saved me? How protective you are?"I asked.

I stared at him and had an idea.

I got up off the bed and searched inside the drawer for somthing sharp to cut myself with. I found a needle. I took it out and took off one of my gloves. I pierced my finger.


I held my finger over his lips. A little droplet of my blood fell on to his lips. I moved my finger thinking he was gonna wake up.But he didn't I waited for a few more seconds. Nothing happened.

I sighted.

"Good bye Nathan....I'll never forget about you and you'll always be in my heart. That's one promise I will never break."I said.

I smiled and walked out.

The minute I did I started crying again.

"Oh boy."Candy said.

She took my arm and brought me downstairs to the exist where Sebastian was waiting in the car for us. She made me go in first then she followed.

Sebastian started the car.

"Lana? where's your other glove?"She asked holding my hand.
"Did you do this to your finger?"She asked again.

I moved my hand away from her and stared out the Car window I was thinking of Nathan. But scenes of him getting stabbed and falling down just kept on repeating over and over. It made me cry more.

"Ok, you don't have to answer. But I really don't like seeing you like this."She said.

I kept on stating out the window. I few minutes later we arrived at Candy's house. I went and sat down in the coach.

"Do you want me to turn on the tv?"She asked.
"No."I said.
"Uh...You can sleep in my room if you want."She said.
"Ok."I said.
"Are you hungry? There's some food in the fridge that I hav'nt eaten since I don't find eating normal food satisfying the all taste the same."She said.
"No thank you."I said.
"Have you eaten anything at all since you woke?"She asked.
"No."I said.
"Ok, I'm gonna order a pizza then."She said.
"But you can't eat it."I said.
"The pizza is for you."She said.
"Ok."I said.

She walked over to me took up the remote and turned on the tv. Then walked out of the room to order a pizza.

I just sat there really still and imagined that Nathan was right beside me. But it was no hope.

I lied down in the coach and closed my eyes and pretends that I was laying on his lap as he plays in my hair.


Nathan's P.O.V

I can hear her but I can't talk to her. Why can't I open my eyes!

"Ah!"I heard her yelled.

What's wrong? I tried to move but it's like my body is stuck. Then somthing fell on my lips. Is that blood? Wait is this lana's blood?

"Good bye Nathan"

Wait, No stay a little more.

"....I'll never forget about you and you'll always be in my heart. That's one promise I will never break."

Yeah but stay, Lana please stay!

I heard her footsteps as she walked out.She started crying again. I don't want her crying.

"oh boy"Candy said.

No! Lana! Don't leave me! please!?I tried getting up.I don't want you to be hurt by me. I kept trying to get up but my body was fighting it. I Stopped since it was no use he blood was starting to dry on my lips. I used all of my strength to licked it off.Her blood is so sweet. I opened my eyes. Did her blood really give me strength?