

Last hope : 🌸💙
Before I say anything else,
I want you to know that I’ve been broken too — not just once, but plenty of times.
I’ve been broken by countless problems; whether it be from a failed relationship, a conflict in the family, a failure to achieve goals, or a period of loneliness.
I know what it’s like to wake up in the morning wishing you had just stayed in your dreams.
These were moments of sheer brokenness — the kind of brokenness that drains you of the strength to be you and to do what you need to do.

I've only hope and one wish from this universe....and that is ~ One day these sufferings, these toxic people around me, everything which give me pain will get faded....
When my "Shyaam bihari" come and hold my hand,
And by just holding his lotus feet, I just purely and wholly surrender myself in him...
That day my all troubles go away,
My heart will be "krisnhnamai"
My all sins and faults replace by his blessings....

Oh my dear kanha,
I'm waiting for you, please come to me and detach me from all these illusions...

© Angelite** :)