

Rich mind in poor
She chose her cleanest piece of clothing to wear. It was a festival afterall and she wanted to celebrate with everyone else. When she stepped into the street a speeding car drove by splashing dirty water on her.
A tear fell down her cheek. The poor had no right to celebrate the festival. She cleaned her clothing with some water and continued her steps to celebrating the festival with everyone. She belongs to a poor background family and her heart is rich with good things. When she tried to look around all of them were celebrating in their own circle. Noone were tried to make a friendship with her. Atlast, she heard someone's call from behind, when she tried to look she haven't find anyone in the crowd. And again she heard that someone is calling her name. This time she find that it was her childhood friend Liz,who is shifted abroad after a little education in that place with her. Her friend Liz was not her bestfriend on her childhood,but she used to help Liz with many things and this made her to remember her. Now she got friend to celebrate the festival. They walked together throughout the street ways by celebrating the festival. On the way Liz gifted her a diamond ring and a big gift box by saying “You deserve this for owning a great heart rich with kindness”. Her eyes were filled with tears of happiness for she even haven't owned a dust of gold but owned a diamond ring for her rich heart. They hugged each other and say goodbye. Liz go back to her place and she goes to her house. When she reached her small hut like home she unwrapped the big gift box that gifted by Liz. She became so surprised by seeing it. That big box was filled with money, chocolates, dresses and a smartphone.She thinks that her poverty is going to an end and she can live her dream life. After sometime her parents reached home and she showed that big box that is gifted by her childhood friend Liz. First of all her parents where used to ask her why you accept this gift box which contains valuable things and most valuable diamond ring then they become happy when they know that she gifted these things for her great heart and Liz belongs to a rich family who owns many shopping malls. They used to upgrade their home and status of poor to a middle class. The girl grown up and posted in a high salary job as her childhood friend Liz gifted money and it made her to study her dream job oriented course. When she got post in a job she informed her friend Liz about her change in life that she had been made. By knowing this, Liz also became so happy.

Be a owner of a great heart even in your poverty. It will make you rich oneday.
© Anonymous Soul