

A Letter
The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from his ex-girlfriend who died two years ago. When he sees her mail, he remembers every moment when they were together and happy. He had tears in his eyes and a smile on his lips. He extends his hand slowly towards the laptop and opens the e-mail:
"My Love,
By the time you get this email, I will be dead. I want to apologize to you I should not have done whatever I did to you, but I could not understand anything at that time. Perhaps I should have told you all the truth that "I have cancer, I need you so much, and I want to spend the last moments of my life with you." But I did not want to be selfish. Therefore, the decision to go away from you seemed right. I am writing this mail to you because I don't want you to remeber me like "a unfaithful person who break up with you just because of your status". Every single moment I spent with you is very special for me and you're the only person in my heart. I love you. I want you to be happy forever."

© mysticalgirl