

Unethical congress party
Congress had no values in politics,see d conditions dat made if it wins in elections,
1) Congress had promised to muslims males dat if congress wins, it will not pass d bill related to triple talaak ,favouring muslims males, Nd try to snatch away d rights of Muslims females who r suffering frm triple talaak,

congress put an tag on bjp dat ,bjp is antimuslim party, if it was den y bjp will try to give equal rghts to muslim females? Till now y congress never tght of giving equality to muslim females,

see frm dis one can make out who is antimuslim party, d party who is trying to take away muslim female rights, Congress is anti muslim female party, only supports conservative muslim males nd encourage Narrowminded mentality.

Mr modi is invited by world islamic organisation, from last 50 yrs india has been not invited by Islamic organisation at time of congress ruling party,
Sushma swaraaj attended d organisation, its so houranable,hindustan being an secular country not islamic country, being invited, frm dat anybody can make out who is antimuslim party, congress is actually antimuslim party, does not want muslims should progress nd modified with d time.

2) congress party promised to terriorist who r caught in kashmir nd are in jail, will pay 1crore rs to terriorist family nd release d terriorist frm jail, if congress will come in govt after election, see d mentality nd how congress party play dirty politics ,just to win votes.
Congress party is supporter of terriorist, dats y at time of congress govt for afzal guru ,enforced supreme court to open at midnight ,congress was always encouraging also supporting terriorist inside d country nd in pakistan.
dats y in 60 yrs never able to do surgical strike blast on d terriorist camp,how bjp did.

3) Congress party illegally migrated bengaleshi muslims nd made dere adhaar card nd voter id card, so to win in elections, migrating other country muslims in india nd giving voter card in dere hand as dey r citizens of india, see how congress is playing nonethical politics to win elections on d cost of security nd protection of d country, dey r not worried abt kashmiri hindus nd Indians , who doesnt hve adhaar or voter card, but migrating bangladeshi nd giving voterid cards to dem for what reason?
4) congress party always blame bjp for communal riots or try to put in public mind dat bjp is anti muslim party, try to divide hindu nd muslims
, but d fact is dat congress is actually try to divide hindus in dere subcastes for politics nd vote bank, divinding hindus in dalit ,nd patel,or lingyat.
Congress had hired hardik patel nd gave offer of reservation seats to patel community, if congress wins d elections how vote bank is made by congress.

Sins of congress party

1) Congress party was formed by british, nd Indira got married to firoz khan, actual name was indira khan, Mahatama gandhi adviced to change d surname nd give gandhi surname to enter in politics, den her name become indira gandhi,see how dis gandhi family is fooling nd looting hindus from 70 yrs ,actually dey kept hindu name to win d trust of hindus, actually dey never had background of hindu, Motilal nehru was from afghanistan nd kept hindu name, basically dey were muslim only.

2) Sonia gandhi is from italy, she is roman catholic, she is born in italy, how can people of india expect she has dat feeling of desh bhakti nd patrotism for hindustan, like mr modi had, Actually for sonia gandhi her heart is in italy nd mind is in india, for her india is route to swissbank.
it was congress in 60 yrs ruled d country, but cannot able to express his patrotism towards india, as manmohan singh was expressionless nd speechless.

3)Congress party always an anti hindu party ,so frm many years supremecourt never able to favour decision in Ram mandir, Unnecessary decision is hanging in court by congress, as dey r asking evidence for surgical strike ,same dey r asking birth certificate of lord ram in ayodhya.and pm modi. finally pas ayodhya verdict

4) Jawarahlal nehru created pro blem in kashmir by taking dis issue in Uno nd made article 370 difficult to remove, otherwise d problem has been solved till date.and pm modi finally proved and removed section 370 and he did in 6 yrs what congress not able to do in. 60 yrs.


© Geetika Gupta