

Midnight ♡Part Six♡
《Where am I...》
"You are in Heaven young one..." Boomed a deep voice from somewhere above her. She wondered if she actually was in Heaven. She decided to walk around the palace...
She walked until she got to a large building within the palace.
《Hmm... I wonder what's in there...》
"There is a spa and an all you can eat buffet."Boomed the voice.
Then Midnight woke up on her bed in her room in her own house once again...
《Must've been a dream..》
She then went downstairs and she heard a knock on the door. When she opened the door it was Danny and another man...
"Oh hey Danny... And whose this?"
"This is Alex. Hes my friend."
Midnight was wearing nothing but a baggy hoodie, and she felt awkward wearing basically nothing.
"I'm gonna go put some clothes on, I'll be right back okay?"
Midnight went to put some clothes on when someone or something knocked her out...