

My CaR
Day in day out. I sit in my car and wonder. so many things cross my mind. But the one I'm fighting the most right now is SEX. always hot between my thighs. which makes it kind of difficult to... how should I say it"keep my legs closed", to a person who doesn't even deserve the right to be around me. But he makes me so weak!!. Ugggg... it's like he feels when I am truly getting over him. His balls tingle or something, ilI don't know. But what I do know is... He pops up like a ground hog. when it happens. But I'm not going to call him even though I am soooo horny. Ive have played with my toy so much. I'm getting use to all 16 speeds!!. I'm trying my best to stay away from this other guy, who by the way was suppose to help me move on from guy number 1. A complete FAIL!!!. I actually enjoy a lot of things about him. But he was not cercumside. That was my first time seeing one. It was crazy!!!. He honestly pleasured me very well the first time around. But he want the favor returned the second time around . SOO..... I tired it. I felt like I had raw meat in my mouth. Like I had put pennies in my mouth. My tongue platte was angry with me. lol it was so bad.. He stopped me and told that I had the worst head ever. I laughed soooo hard. he looked at me like I was crazy. He said we don't have to do oral on each other. I like you sex any way. I laughed even harder. So we started back having sex. He was moaning and saying " yea this how I want you to fuck me...uhhh yeah..... nice and slow... mean while I'm on my side thinking damn I wish this was Shawn... he talk much. Before I left I told him. "I have to be honest, I have never seen an uncircumcised penis before. It was weird in my mouth. But just to let you know." I have heard my head is way better than my pussy. See you later. Hoped I'm my car and left.
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