

Kaptita (part 1)
I carry the girl in my arms as I dodge past the trees. I jump over a log and almost lose my footing. She doesn't stir, not once. For all I know the girl could be dead. She never moves. I hear a dog bark and a gun fire. The sharp sound bounces through the trees as I swerve past another oak. I stumble again, readjust the girl and continue running. I slip on a slope but regain my balance. I hear the splash of water before I notice the river. I feel the gust of water as I slip, the water pushes over me and the girl. She falls through my arms like the water and the chain binding us pulls me with her. She drags me under with her. Our bodies clash. I find her hips and push her up. She doesn't stir. She never moves. Her heavy, limp body keeps me under until I find my footing and push through the current. My chest heaves again. I see a bank and push us towards it.
The dogs no longer bark. The guns no longer shoot. But I run. I don't stop. The girl lays in my arms. Still, but breathing. Her breath hits my neck. Her body presses forward. She doesn't wake.
I jump over stones, dodge past trees, get whipped by branches, and beaten by the falling rain. I push through until my feet ache and my head spins. I keep going until my heart stops thrumming in fear. I don't stop until I know we're far away. I set her down next to me, her body shakes. Her tattered shirt clings to her from the water and blood. Her blonde hair sticks to her forehead and neck. Her jeans have been cut and torn. Blood comes from the visible skin. Her skin is pale and she's nothing but bone. Her face is hollow.
I tilt her head to the side to see the gash on the base of her neck. Blood still drifts through and a piece of glass is still embedded in her head. I reach over with my unchained arm to remove it. I watch her body tremble as I grab at the brown glass. I drag it out of her skin. Her blood leaks from her wound and drips down her neck and collarbone and into her blue ripped shirt. I lean against the tree and try to rest. Ignoring the bitter wind as it presses against my soaked clothes. Everything drifts black as exhaustion hits me.

She screams. They rip me from my sleep. They drag me off the ground until her body tigs at the other end of the chain. Her screams rip through me. Shred open all sleep and all peace. I get dragged back down by her limp body. She screams again. The same scream as the one in the warehouse. They echo through the trees. I look at her quivering form as her body spazzes out of control. She whimpers. She squirms and whimpers again. She's asleep. She screams. She cowers. But she sleeps.
I lean over to retrieve her shaking form from the dirt and grass. She writhes under my touch. She whimpers. I drag her against the tree. She spazzes again. Her body begins slipping towards the ground again. I grip her wrists and pull her up. Her body stills but her whimpering doesn't. She finally settles, only then do I let her go. I lean against the tree beside her. My eyes close again, exhaustion pours through my body. A shivering figure presses against my shoulder as another whimper escapes her mouth. We Sleep.