

Surviving Grimward
School closed last month and my mom is taking me to summer camp. I'll be staying there for a month because my dad is on a business trip and my mom will be busy roaming other countries. I wish they had more time for me. But maybe Grimward camp will be fun. Most of my friends will be there and other persons from other schools. I already packed all that I need in a small suitcase. My mother dropped me off at campus. She kissed me on my forehead before I came out the car. "Have fun Katelyn. I already registered you just go to the headmistress for your room key. I love you and I'll miss you," mother said. "I'll miss you too mom. Love you, bye," after I said that she waved and drove off. I went through the gates and headed straight for the headmistress's office. I got my room key and went to the dorms. My roommate is my bestfriend Blaire. Yes! I jumped in excitement. "Katelyn I'm so happy you're my roommate," she ran over and hugged me. I hugged her back. "Me too," I replied. "And you're right on time. The nature walk is about to be started. Come on," she said. I love nature walks. This evening is going to be fun. We held hands and walked out the room. Everyone was outside. I saw new faces and the faces of all my friends. I greeted them. The teacher told us to follow her. We walked to the forest. I love looking at the tall trees and hearing the rushing river nearby. I love nature. Me and my three friends got so caught up in time looking at the beautiful sight that we didn't realize that everyone has gone back to camp. This is our first day and we are already lost. It's getting dark and no matter how long we walk for we still can't find back the camp. I stared crying. We can't find the camp back and it's night now. How did everyone leave without us. I heard something running through the bushes. Blaire, Jake, Tessane and I held each other's hands. Cold is the night. A tall man appeared infront of us. It is pitch black and has an axe in its hand.. We screamed and started running. I heard Tessane scream in pain and ran over to her. "Oh my god!" I screamed terrified witnessing the dead body of my friends. I cried more. Blood is all over her body. I can't stay here. I ran catching up with Jake. Where is Blaire! We ran further and catched up with her. She's fast. This killer is running behind us and he's faster than a cheetah. "Jump in the river!" Blaire shouted to us then jumped off. How is that gonna help us. The monster came near but turns out he is afraid of water. I've heard about the monster called Grimward but I thought he was a myth. Maybe he is the reason why this camp is called Grimward camp. We floated in this water till morning. The monster is gone. We went on land and laid on the grass gasping for air. All night in water. I'm tired, hungry and my hands are soft due to that water. I can't believe Tessane died. I started crying again. Now Jake, Blaire and I are stuck here. What will we do? My mom should've just let me stay with my grandma for the month. She shouldn't have brought me here.

***Thanks for reading. Part two will be out soon. Stay tuned if you wanna find out what happens next.***

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