

The Weight Of Unanswered Word
Mai,had always struggled with trust issue, stemming from her past relationship where she felt ignoredand unvalued. her mind was maze of worst-case scenarios, and sh often found hersef lost in the darkness of her own thought.💭

In her latest relationship with Alex, mia's insecurities began to simmer just below the surface. One day, she sent him a text, but he didn't respond immediately. Her mind began to race with thoughts of abandonment and rejection.

As the hours ticked by, Mia's anxiety grew, and she couldn't shake the feeling that Alex was ignoring her, just like her past partners. Despite knowing that Alex was busy with work, Mia's overthinking consumed her.

In a moment of emotional turmoil, Mia made the impulsive decision to block Alex's number, convinced that she was sparing herself from further heartache. But as the reality of her actions set in, she felt a deep pang of regret and sorrow.

Mia realized that her fear of being ignored had become a self-fulfilling prophecy. She had pushed away someone she cared about, and now she was left to face the ache of loneliness and the weight of unanswered words.

As she navigated the treacherous landscape of her own mind, Mia knew she had to confront her demons and learn to trust again. But for now, the silence was deafening, and her heart felt heavy with the what-ifs.

#shortstory #emotional #what-if #writco

© Quinme