

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter nineteen
Well as my life is doing so well I sit here now and reflect on the memories that used to haunt me. As I do I realize that those memories I though were so horrible that I'd be haunted by them the rest of my life is why I'm successful in fulfilling my life long dreams . Also that if I hadn't gone through all those bad things I wouldn't be so good at my Career and that is why they have become the bitter sweet memoriesbi now thank God that I went through because now that I understand that none of it was my fault but I am able to help more people through telling my story to them as they hear what I went through and look at where in life I am now they are able to think more pisatively about their own recovery from abuse and instead of letting their abusers win by haunting them but take that part of their lives to show the abusers of their past that all their abuse did is make them stronger able to stand on thier own and take charge of thier lives . Al's smarter in thier judgment of who they let into thier lives and alow them to succeed in life and show them they win over the abuser. As I see it Through all my abuse and hurt in life my worst Hurt was losing My mother And my son The heros of my life and my to people that taught me patience and how to give with all my heart no matter how rich or poor you are help others no matter what people say always go with your gut . because the help and let me you give no matter if returned or not make life more satisfying than turning some one in need away and to give a little when you don't have it to give us more rewarding than to turn you back and walking away because that little help you give sometimes is all it takes to help a person get through the worst time in thier lives and makes a big difference in the way thier lives could have gone. Thanks to the little I still had in life and a little help from a stranger look where in life I am now. I'm thankful for everything life gave me I was meant to be here !
© Little Girl Lost 2020
© Lost Little Girls Smile!