

Tough Decision
Sometimes it's hard to believe that the people for whom you did everything, which is not acceptable by your inner self-are not understood your situation, your feelings and your problems.

They just want you to compromise and live a miserable life.

Some people compromises and forget their inner self and just breathe, in the name of living life but there's no life.

Some want to overlook their inner self but never succeed and they fight, cry, in that life. Which becomes a true hell in their life.

I'm Lilian Graham.

Today's the day when I have to choose my loved one's wishes or fulfil my own desire.

The desire to be free like a bird who can fly where, where she wants.

The desire to search me. Who am I?

The desire to find and develop myself as me.

I want to know. What's my purpose in life?

Is it ok to be free or should  I do what most of the girls doing?

Today I'm standing on a crossroad where 1 path gives me chance to explore myself and another will lead me nowhere. On the second path my situation, my environment and my mental conflict remain as it is.

I'm a housewife with two children my relationship with my husband is not working. It's not like good or bad relation. It's just worst. Each and every day it becomes more unbearable.

Now it affects my children behaviour, they become rude, started arguing and shouting. I know this is all because of me and my husband.

It's frustrating I want to leave my husband. But my parents are not allowing me to do it. They think separation will not good for my children but still, they are not growing in a good environment.

What should I do?

To be continued ...

A/N-- What u guy's think?

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