

A Hug...
I don't know what is the best thing for sharing love between people.

But for me and maybe some of us is a HUG.

Once there lived a family of middle class.
The father of the family is very hard working. He is manager in a small company. At one time the father is financial problems due to closure of company.
He came home everyday stressed and didn't sleep during night thinking about the future of their family.
As I said there's a family ; there lived a small princess ( daughter) in that.
Everyday she see her dad's stress for family welfare and thinks to help him in anyway.
The little girl too knows that she can't do anything.
But one day that princess did real magic ✨.
She went to his dad who's sitting on bed and thinking what to do and said "Dad;
Give me a hug".
The dad wondered and gave her a hug which lasted more than a span of 10 sec.
The girl holding tightly and said in a small ; healthy and lovely tone " Don't worry, I am there for you".
The father smiled and said thanks to her princess.
He laid on his bed and thinking about nothing except his daughter's love.
Then sleep came to him as his friend and is with him till the morning.


We and the father too know that the father's problems are not yet completed.
But all that matters is love and affection.

I want you guys to pay a amount of 10-15 seconds of time to buy a hug for the person u love.
And just see their face after that hug.
U will know!...

Have a nice day.
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