

Child Protection Services
Child Protection Services is not about protecting children rather it is about destroying the American family in the United States and its about money to foster parents and the adoptive parents.

This is not a 😆 matter but one of grave serious.

Child Protection Services oftens removes children from the home of the true and natural parents due to false allegations of neglect and abuse reported by family members, teachers, and medical professionals.

There is a term out There for these types of people " busy bodies, malcontents, and do gooders but their intentions are not for the best.

Misery loves company, so they say.

The first thing CPS does is get a juvenile pick up order to remove your children from the home and the child or children are placed into a foster home.

The Second Step is a fact finding hearing to determine if the child or children should be returned to the home or if they remain in foster care.

Third step: Should the parents receive and be court ordered to complete a reunification plan.

This plan is always the same in no matter what state you live in.
1. The parents under go a psychological elevation.
2. Parenting Classes
3. Therapy
4. Substance Abuse classes if they think you are taking illegal drugs
5. Alcohol abuse classes if they suspect you are an alcoholic.
6. You must complete your education and pass your GED.
7. Job training program
8. Housing

Every 90 days from the time your reunification plan is started the CPS court will monitor your progress.

If you don't show significant progress within a year . The GAL and Casework will start a permanent planning hear that will state the goal is still to return the child or children back home or if adoption should be considered.
This takes place after one year and last from 7 months and on the 8th month the goal is to find the child or children a permanent home and they file on the 22nd month to terminate your parental rights to your child or children creating them as "legal orphans."

This paves the away for the State to find an adoptive home for your child and children that you had and won't see again until they are 18.

In most cases the children if more than one are split up.

The younger the child or children easier it will be to find them homes.

The legal definition of a orphan is a " child with no living parents that has died in a auto accident or natural disaster."

Legal Orphan is created by the government and the government is saying that you are dead.

Both Foster Parents, Adopters and the State benefits by it as the state pays the foster parents to take care of every foster child in their care and the adoptive parents receive an adoptive incentive payment until the child or children until they reach 18.
The State benefits by the government as for every child they place into an adoptive home they receive between 3,000. to 5,000 for each child.

The Government has placed a monetary cap on the state of 200.000.

Child Protection Services is about money and breaking up families, marriages and ruining your life.

To be forewarned is your best defense.

1. Don't let CPS in without a search warrant.
2. Don't let the Police in without a search warrant
3. Don't talk to CPS or the Police. Remain silent.
4. Write down every thing
5. Tape every thing
6. Don't discipline your child or children in public ie Church, stores, in front of family.
7. Teach your children not to discuss what goes in the home.
What goes in the home stays in the home.
8. Understand In Re: Gault
9. Understand in Re: The Miranda Warning.
10. Don't disuss anything with your friends, family, associates, or church, synagogue or temple or mosque. There is a federal mandatory reporting law.
GAL means Guardian Ad Litem

Silence is golden.

© ladywicca65