

Growth In God
Growth In God allows us to see what is better and what is best for us in God while allowing God to burn away all the excessive you may ask how and why where and when what is Going to happen in the burning of my healing what will happen is that the things you carried will no longer hinder you the hindering emotions will cease to exist anymore it will soon become a story not a heavy burden that weights you down.Being that growth in what we may not understand happens when God put a new spirit in you a spirit to love and a spirit to nurture with this spirit you heart will blossom you are beautiful and handsome men and women but you have to be willing to change in God and change old habits and cycles that once was a painful hurt will become a story.That story that uou thought would end badily but God took the pencil in him he wrote your story that title was called I was in darkness but now the lord God brought me to the light and the light became my guide and my hope.Hope in the lord never leaves disappointment while may think that God doesnt hear us but God does its just we as humans dont have the patiences and the attitude and mindset of God to know that he will do it.The growth starts with the prayers we put on our hearts that the lord God may bring the things we ask to come in place what we have to ask him. There is reason why the lord says Knock and the door shall be open ask and it shall be given because when we come to God it is not only in needing him is in every circumstance that we need God even in our finances we need him.Even in a battle of what may come I am remind that my God is bigger my God is a strong fortress in all that I am face with I am not defeated the eniem may try to attack but no weapon form against me shall prosper for God is for me who can be against me.In all that we face God is there and at all that comes God is there I am winner in God let your Growth start with praying reading seeking God when you dont know comes and what may happen the Lord God will not fail you and He never lost a battle in the Growth that you work through all things reading God words is how we work to apply what is need and what is something we need to work with in all things.Colossians 2:7 Tell us that Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7 NLT

© jertonya22