

once upon a time there was a small village with many families. in that village there was a place which is forbidden. the people in the village used to say there is an evil spirit in that place, the more we think about the place the more bad things happen. they also used to say that the people who went there didn't came back. so the place was forbidden to go.
there was a lockdown in that village, the people of that village should not be outside of the home after 6 pm. everyday after 6pm they used to heard crying and shouting of men and women. some people went to check who's making sounds had been killed and there bodies were found outside of forbidden land.
one day there was a group of children playing hide and seek, out of all children one boy tried to go to forbidden land to hide, but luckily he was caught by his parents. he was taken home and grounded for few days. then after few days he was crying and missing his friends and started asking about story of forbidden land.
he asked:
why shouldn't I go to forbidden land?
what happened there?
why it is forbidden?
who live there? .

so what do you think happened there...?