

there was a girl whose name was shagun....she was very bad at studies and all her sisters and brother were very
good!!! She don't like to go school!!!

her father once beat her for that!! but then also there was no improvement!! in her first school she was not having any friend with whom she can talk!! she feel very lonely!!! and she don't like that school because the teachers were very strict!!

then a twist happens in her life!! her father changed her school and for her this was the best part!!!

that school was very nice!! all teachers. spoke very politely!! she was in second standard in the new school....her class teacher was swati singh ma,am!!! A wonderful mam with lots of positivity...she was very polite and always try to understand the problems of childrens...but she left the school!!! the girl was very unhappy!! but the new teacher was also nice!!

in third class one big twist came!! her life changes!!

in 3rd standard...her class teacher was pooja singh ma'am!!! she was both strict and friendly!! strict to those who don't studay and friendly to those who try their best...and the girl, shagun was bad...she punish her many times that she can realise the importance of study but no change!! once the mam was taking oral test..when she came to her she didn't able to give the answer...mam said ok just tell me the spelling of river she told but wrong....mam said her duffer!! and the girl felt very bad!! she wanted to cry but she control herself!! her classmate started laughing..when she go to home..she started crying in front of her mother...she asked what happen my child?? she told everything...

her mother just give her a chocolate and try to make her happy!! the girl stop crying.... but that she didn't forget that instead!!!!

to be continued...