

Tales from my mom ( 1 )
A product of love.

Love is the source of all good things, everything that nature holds is out of love and when we human behold the beauty of nature there's a sense of love that is stirred us. Because nature comforts us, we have peace in the fresh air and the beautiful sunshine. And when it's dark we are able to see the beauty of stars and the moon. Indeed nature is very good and it's our duty to protect it's beauty.

..... "On one moonlight night, in the month of November a year of God's blessings, I was in my home village Iki- Iki where your grandparents live and in the same place, my siblings and I grew from. I had gone for a burrial of my late grandma. I was pregnant and about to labor.
On this night after supper when it was already dark outside, and only the sound of birds played. I started feeling labor pains and the I called for help, your grandma who is my mother is midwife and herbalist, she and some other old woman helped me up leading me to the grass thatched kitchen because there were no hospitals around like here in the city, and my mother was a local midwife. Then I gave birth to you in the kitchen.
As if it was a blessing to bring a new born baby girl in the family , my mother said since her mother- in-law your great grandmother had just passed away it's a blessing in disguise to receive a gift of a baby girl, they believed in re- incannation and mother said, "let us name this baby after your grandmother" and I had little say in the issues. My grandmother was a kind woman, hospitable... she loved everyone. I used to wonder while I was a small child, my mother hated her mother-in-law for worthless reasons, she used to curse her, but my grandmother never reacted because she was peaceful. Indeed she was a product of love, and we named you after her. "
My mother loved her great grandmother and she used to refer me to her.

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