

Chapter 31
Jessica's P.O.V
After seeing that Jason was getting comfortable with the kids I went back up stairs and took a shower. After which I grabbed some bandages and the first aid kit. Charlotte was helping me. I gasped in pain as she cleaned and dressed the ones on my face. " I knew the day would come but, not like this", I said trying to hold back the tears. " Same, he shouldn't have stooped so low Ms. Davis", Charlotte said angrily. " I know. I will forever remember this day", I said looking in the mirror at myself. I heard laughter downstairs from the kids and Jason. " Seems like they're having fun", Charlotte commented. I took a while to answer. " As long as the kids are happy. And its good for Jase, he needs a father figure in his life", I said still looking at myself in the mirror. Charlotte shook her head. It was now after 8 in the night. I made my way downstairs only to find that Jason was watching tom and jerry and the kids were asleep in his arms. Ok. I took up Jessy and brought her upstairs in her room. I kissed her good night.

Jason had put Jase in his room.

Jason and I were downstairs having a talk.

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