

Cute But Psycho
November 10, 2022


10:00 PM

Priya Darshini completed her work and got up from the seat to go home, and at that time she received an emergency phone. Without delaying, Priya immediately picked up the call.

When she took the phone and kept it in her ear, she heard a girl crying. Now Priya understood that the situation was not right there and asked, "What is your name? Why are you crying?"

For that, the girl said, "My name is Janani Pandit, For that, the girl said, "My name is Janani Pandit, ma'am." Three unknown people came inside my house with a gun and threatened my parents." When she was saying that she was tied to the stairs.

"I can hear the gunshot sound, and my father is screaming in pain, "I can hear the gunshot sound, and my father is screaming in pain, ma'am." Please come immediately and help, madam," said Janani. Priya, who heard this, immediately informed the police officers near the girl’s location.

In the next ten minutes, police officers went to Janani’s house, and when they went, they saw her mother, Praveena Pandit, lying dead in the basement. Seeing this, Sub-Inspector Anuvishnu walked inside the house, aiming the gun, and when he went up the stairs to the first floor, Anuvishnu saw Janani’s hand tied with a shoelace.

Immediately, his constable rescued Janani, and when the constable untied Janani from the stairs, she started crying and searching for her mother. When she went to the basement, she saw that her mother had been shot by the gun in her backside and was lying dead. Seeing this, Janani started crying.

But luckily, even though Janani’s father, Shankar Nath Pandit, was shot in the face, he was not dead. Immediately, Anuvishnu called the ambulance, and Shankar was taken to the hospital. After admitting him to the hospital, doctors checked him and said to Anuvishnu, "Sorry sir. He’s in a coma."

Hearing this, Janani was heartbroken. On one side, her mother was dead, and on the other side, her father is in a coma. When she was thinking about what happened to her family, to start the investigation, ACP Adhithya took Janani to the interrogation room. He asked her to tell him everything that happened that day, and Janani also started saying things.

November 8, 2022


That day, as usual, Janani went to piano class in the morning and skating class in the afternoon. She came home at 8 at night, and after that, she ate dinner with her parents. She said good night and went to her room to sleep. 20 minutes after Janani left for my room, she heard loud footsteps approaching.

Before Janani thought who it was, my door opened faster. When she saw who it was near my door, an unknown person with a mask was standing with a gun, and the gun was aimed at her.

Suddenly, when she saw him without knowing what to do, she was staring at him. At the same time, the killer saw her and said, "If you don’t do what I say, I will kill your parents. Give all your money to me."

When he asked without wasting a minute to save her parents from them, Janani gave her job savings of Rs. 25000 to him. Now the killer threatened her at gunpoint and took Janani to the living room, sir. When she went there and saw, already two members had threatened her parents and made them kneel down at gunpoint and take the amount from her.

Janani thought that they were robbers and came here for money. When they get the money, they will leave. But they tied her to the stairs in her room. Despite her pleas, they didn’t listen and took her parents from the living room to the basement.

"Sir. I pleaded with them to leave my parents, but they didn’t leave them. After that, I called 100. When I was talking to 100, she heard gunshot sounds, and I was scared. In a few minutes, police came there and saved me," said Janani at present, saying everything that happened that day in the interrogation room.

After hearing all this, Adhithya had some doubts.

"There’s no forced entry into your house. How did they enter the house without any forced entry? That means they came through the front door. Do you have any idea about it, Janani?" asked Adhithya.

For that, Janani said, "No sir. I don’t know, and maybe they might have left the door open."

At this time, Adhithya had a big doubt. Now he looked at Janani and asked, "Did you call 100?"

"Yes, sir," said Janani.

"Your hands were tied backwards on the stairs. So how can you make a call?" asked Adhithya.

For that, Janani replied, Yes, my hands are tied back. But I had my phone in my back pocket. That’s why I was able to take my phone." Now, Adhithya asked her to do a demo of how she took her phone.

He tied Janani to the stairs in the same way and asked her to take the phone as she had before. Likewise, she also kept her phone in her back pocket. Even though her hands were tied back, she tried hard and took the phone. But Adhithya had another doubt.

"Okay. You called 100, and 100 officers also picked up the call. But now your hands are tied; when it was like that, you couldn’t keep the phone in your ears, right?"

"Yes sir."

"When it was like that, how did you hear the opposite person’s voice in 100 calls?" How did you answer all the questions they asked?"

But Janani said that she had the phone on speaker. Like this, Adhithya and his team heard all the answers given by Janani. Even though they were satisfied with the answers, they felt something was wrong. But Adhithya doesn’t have any choice. Since Janani was the only witness who saw the crime, Adhithya stopped the investigation for now.

Even though they couldn’t trust everything Janani said, Adhithya and his team started waiting for Shankar to recover from his coma. Since he thought that his statement would be true. The next day, Adhithya conducted a funeral for Janani’s mother, Praveena.

Janani also stood near her mother’s coffin box. When she was standing, Adhithya noticed something strange about her. Even when she stood near her mother’s coffin box, he noticed that from the start to the end, she didn’t even cry. She was very normal. Seeing all this, Adhithya started doubting her more. Like this, two days went by, and Adhithya had a big breakthrough in the case. Shankar recovered from a coma and came to consciousness.

Adhithya was waiting for this news. Immediately he went to him and asked, "Sir. What happened that night?"

Shankaran said everything to the police from his side. But Janani’s story and Shankar’s story were completely different.


Shankar and his wife Praveena finished the dinner and were watching TV in the living room. At that time, Janani was standing at the front door. When he saw this, he asked her, "Janani. What are you doing there?"

For that, Janani said, "The front door is unlocked, dad. So I locked it." She went to her room on the second floor.

After this, 10 or 20 minutes later, three killers came through the front door. They asked Shankar and Praveena to kneel down at gunpoint; all three of them were wearing masks. One of them went to Janani’s room upstairs.

When he went, Praveena started panicking. Shankar was also scared that he might do something to his daughter, Janani. After that, the killer brought his daughter, Janani, to the living room.


"But…" Like this, when Shankar said at present, Adhithya asked, "Sir. But… But… What happened? What did the killers do to your daughter, Janani?" He asked confusingly.

For that, Shankar said, "The killer brought my daughter to the living room, sir. But my daughter was very casual. In fact, there’s no fear in her face. She talked to the killer casually. When I saw it, how it looked meant that Janani and the killers are friends. They were talking like they had been friends for ages."

Now, Adhithya asked, "Did you hear anything they said, sir?"

"No sir. I didn’t hear what they said. But my daughter was very casual, without any fear. After that, they took my daughter back to her room. After they took her to the room, they took us to the basement. After that, they asked us to kneel down, and we also did as they said, and one of the killers put a blanket on us. At that time, I couldn’t see what was happening around me. After that, I heard a gunshot sound, and till that, only I remember, sir."

Now Adhithya asked Shankar: "Sir. Before taking you to the basement, you said that they took your daughter to her room. At that time, did you see them tying your daughter to the stairs?"

For that, Shankaran said, "Till I went to the basement, Janani’s hand was not tied, sir."

A few seconds later, Shankar continued to tell Adhithya: "The only shocking thing to me is that my daughter was very casual with the killer, sir. Without any fear, she was very normal, and it was very shocking to me." He repeatedly said this, again and again, strongly.

Adhithya and the police were very strong in one thing. He thought Janani had something to do with this incident.

Adhithya asked Shankar to say something about her. Now he started telling everything about Janani.



Shankar and Praveena, refugees from Jammu and Kashmir (since a large number of Kashmir Pandit genocides happened in the state), immigrated to Coimbatore, a famous district in Tamil Nadu.

Normally, when someone immigrates from one country to another as a refugee, we hear lots of news about how horrible and hard their life will be. Like this, Shankar and Praveena have also undergone lots of hardship in the initial stages of their lives within the country.

But due to their hard work, they improved their living standards, and their lives also began to improve. Praveena and Shankar had two children. First was Krishna, and second, on April 10, 1998, Janani was born.

After Janani was born, their lives became very happy. Normally, Praveena and Shankar were called as tiger parents.

Tiger parents are nothing, but they will raise their children more strictly. To explain it more clearly, the children must be very disciplined, study more, do extra-curricular activities, not see TV for a long time, not go out unnecessarily, and beyond all this, they should not love or date anyone. (And those who say these good things strictly are called tiger parents.)

Shankar and Praveena also handled this method. Since their first son, Krishna, was staying in a hostel and studying mechanical engineering, now the attention of the whole family is on Janani. To make her successful in her life on her own, Shankar began to raise her strictly. Skating class, music class, and studies—he wished to master Janani in everything.

Janani also obeyed everything they said. Like they thought, she began to win in everything. But it was only until she went to the 11th grade. In 11th grade, she started breaking one of her father’s rules. She started loving her school senior, Abdul Malik.

Abdul Malik is a drug addict. Apart from that, he’s linked with the men who support Love Jihad to increase Islamism in the world. But Janani also knew this, even though she loved him. Because of this, both her school and college studies were affected.

Without going to college, Janani said that she was going to college and stayed with Abdul Malik. She cheated her family for four years. One day her parents were suspicious of her, and they checked her phone and laptop.

When they saw it, a big shock awaited them. Shankar found that Janani didn’t go to college after 12th grade. Beyond all this, he found that she has a boyfriend named Abdul Malik, and she has been staying with him for these many years by lying to them. Seeing this, their dream faded.

Shankar House arrested her in anger. They took her phone and laptop. He said, "Janani. You have to stay at home hereafter. And most importantly, you shouldn’t talk to Abdul, and if you talk with him, it will happen only after I die."

Like this, the days passed, and Janani also began to forget Abdul Malik. When it was like this, on November 8, 2018, on the day of the incident, Shankar and Praveena were hijacked by some unknown killers.


Now, after knowing all this, Adhithya started investigating Janani for the second time. But this time, he started questioning her harshly.

"Janani. The things you say make no sense. Tell me the truth. What are you hiding?" asked Adhithya.

Janani is shocked. While Adhithya said, "We know that you are part of this. So tell the truth without hiding." He started asking questions continuously.

At one stage, Janani became silent, put down her head, and started crying. Finally, she began to confess.

"Yes sir. I gave them the money and hired those three killers. But it was not to kill my parents. It was to kill me." She said. Hearing this, Adhithya couldn’t understand anything.

"Why should you die?" Adhithya asked Janani.

For that, she said, "I don’t like to live, and my parents were scolding me for everything, sir. They won’t leave me to be free and will ask me to study all the time. They will not allow me to talk to anyone. Beyond all this, they asked me to forget my boyfriend, Abdul Malik. I can’t forget him, and I tried to take my life many times. But I don’t have courage. That’s why I gave money to the killers and asked them to shoot me. But instead, they shot my parents by mistake."

Now Adhithya was confused about whether to believe it or not, and he thought of investigating Janani’s boyfriend, Abdul Malik.

They brought Abdul and started to investigate. Initially, he said to Adhithya, "I don’t know anything, sir."

But at one stage, he started telling everyone everything.

"Even though Shankar House arrested Janani, she couldn’t forget me, sir. She was thinking of me every day. When they left her out after house arresting her for a long time, she came to meet me first. Janani’s father said a word before house-arresting her. If you want to marry Abdul, it will happen only after I die. It continuously ran on her mind. That’s when she said her parents wouldn’t allow them to live together until they were alive. If we kill my parents, we can live happily, and their properties will also come to us, and we can live happily with that. But I had another plan in mind to make her an ISIS terrorist through Love Jihad. I spoke about the hitman I know to Janani by using this opportunity, sir. She also accepted the plan. According to that plan, everything happened that day."


November 22, 2018

Adhithya arrested Janani with proper evidence after fourteen days. The three killers who committed this murder—Muhammad Althaf, Daniel, Rajan, and Anbu—were arrested by the police.

Janani was given 25 years imprisonment without parole by the court, and a life sentence was given to the three killers. Abdul Malik, who planned this, was taken under investigation by the NIA (National Investigation Agency) because of his involvement in Love Jihad.

Before Janani went to jail, Shankar gave a statement. He said, "I believe that my daughter Janani should realise what she did to her family, and she should come from jail as a good girl."