

The Story Of Two Kingdoms
Long, Long ago they were Two Kings Named Jona and Sona .The Jona was the King of Madura and Sona was the King of Hastinapuram.The Sona King want to capture Jona Kingdom for that.Sona sended Twenty Thousand Troops Archery Troops Twenty Thousand, Hosers Troops 10 Thousand and to Mathura and Hastinapuram border.Sona'Massager went to Jon's Kingdom and said Give your Kingdom or We Would Make a big war.Jona said I can't give Kingdom.I am Ready for The war.Massager said ok the war date is Coming Monday.The Jona be said to his Troops .We have to Fight the Hastinapuram Troops get that Kingdom .Jona asked the Troops head .We have how many Troops .He said we have Twenty Thousand Troops.King said ok give them training more to win the Battle ,after seven days the started both Army was strong ,but one can win the battle. Thousand of Troops were killed both side at last.No Troops at last only,King was there Sona takes a .Blade and throw on Jona.He escsped and Runed towards.Him and take Archery and killed me and .He Capture Hastinapuram and he neeldown and Sadi I won the Battle who give there lives to protect our Kingdom.He Said Thank you
for your Strength and Confident.He returned Mathura and said we won the battle.Kingdom people asked were are Troops.He said they died,people Cryed.He said don't cry.We will pray God to ,there soul happy.And He said Jai Mathura.

Thank You

Written By:K.B.Akhurathan Raaj