

Saying sorry doesn't really solve anything.Sorry has different meaning.1. It can be interpreted as genuine sorry or 2.A act of pretentious behaviour.There are times people say sorry just for fun and you don't really know if you should really let it pass or fight back again.There are times where you know the person is genuinely sorry but there is ego that won't let you forgive.There are times where it may be a pretentious act but you being soft hearted just let it go and forgive.So what exactly is Sorry . Personally, I believe if one is sorry you can make out on their face but we live in this modern era where some people are so perfect in pretending that you failed to make out.You might forgive the person and try to mend the broken relationship but deep within that person heart lies the audacity to seek revenge.So next time when they catch you at fault, well you know what happens next.Why can't people just accept their fault genuinely and say sorry that means from heart.Just accept the consequences rather than making lame excuses.