

The tribrid: Chapter one
As her soul shattered, she screamed agonizing screams.The pain, pinching her broken pieces.
"Why did you have to do this Zervien?" she asked as she broke further, shedding more tears as she drowned in her sorrows.

"Don't be stupid Lyana!" he yelled angrily.

"You deserve every bit of what you get." he said with bitterness laced in his voice. Getting up from the floor where he had his knees on, he began to pace back and forth.

"I mean, you brought this upon yourself, why did you have to talk with another man Lyana?"

"I- I gave you all you need Lyana, I gave you everything you could only dream of, but what did you do?" Zervien said laughing and trembling like a psychotic human that he is.

"Zervien, you're controlling my life, I can't move without you monitoring my movement, you treat me like your pet." She said trembling from the fear of getting whipped again.

Zervien rushed back to the broken soul on the floor as he chocked the remains left of her. She struggled to let out a mufffle scream but was unable to, her hands struggle to make their way to break his hold on her delicate neck but to no avail.

" Zervien, what the hell, let her go!"a voice from behind screamed out.

"Don't you fucking dare, Rel she deserves it."

"She's gonna die."

"I don't care." Zervien said as he made his grip on Lyana stronger.

Lyana could feel the consciousness in her finally slipping away, as she got surrounded by the dark, falling into the endless abyss.

Leona's pov

"Princess Leona, his emperor seeks your presence." A maid dressed in a short green gown below her knees, called for my attention, making me snuggle on my bed as i felt lazy to get up.

"Tell him I would be down in a few." I said turning to my left to see the bright warm sunlight which is touching my smooth skin.

"Okay my princess." She said walking out of the room.

After struggling to separate from my soft, squishy bed, I got up to get ready. I got to my dressing mirror scratching my eyes to drive off the remains of the sleep from my eyes. As I opened up my eyes looking into the mirror, I saw a different features of me. Hells, what the fuck.

My once black sliky hair has become grey blonde, my once brown chocolate orbs are now icy blue, everything felt different. Wait, that lady who just left called me Leona, but my name is Lyana and she mentioned something like the emperor seeks my presence. There's no fucking emperor, I don't know any emperor, if I can remember correctly, I was being chocked by Zervien, then how did I end up here.

No one would believe me if I told them I'm not who they think I am. Holy shit, did my soul get swapped to the olden days, what does Rel even call it transmigration I think. Have I been transmigrated to some royals family?

I have so many questions but no answers to any.

"Your purpose in which you have been transmigrated to the Amiya's descendants has begun, LYANA." I heard a cracky old lady's voice said as I lamented my predicament.

To be continued.........
© kaya N

Note: Guys no matter what would be written or would be said in this story it is just for entertainment purposes, I do not condemn no religion or what so ever. This story is just for fantasy purposes and nothing more, so enjoy.