



He looked down at her , looking very peaceful and fragile, Oh, she was delicate. The sweetest person he had ever known . And he felt confident about living the rest of his life with her .

As if she was afraid of falling, she carefully turns in her sleep and her soft golden hair covers her face . He simply smiles and brushes the hair away , feeling a tingle within as his fingers touches her flawless face .

He carefully plants a soft kiss on her cheek and leans back to take one last glance at her peaceful face . Just then, she opens her eyes and smiles.

"What are you doing ? "
She asked, her voice soft yet hoarse , there was always something about special about her .

"Nothing sleepy head . You just looked so peaceful, I didn't wanna wake you . "
She felt comfort in his gaze . His eyes tore through her very soul and she loved him for that .

He had a special power that made her feel seen and secure, a million worlds and elements of finesse rested in his eyes and that was all she needed .

Then, suddenly, as If coming to a sad realisation, she sat up and shook her head , then hot streams slid down her face , yet again.

This can't be real .

As if an invisible force was pulling her back, she felt herself drift back to reality as her alarm continued buzzing. She lazily turned it off and pulled the sheets over her head . She wiped her face after a few minutes and made up her mind .

No more crying over him. He is in the past, he made his choice and she was going to make hers . She would live her life the way she did maybe even better than before he showed up in her life and gave her millions of reasons to live and showered her with unrealistic love she had and would never find , all while slowly drowning her , pulling her into his dark world . Dimming her light a million times and then making it bright again with his own means , drawing her closer yet far away from him .

She loved and hated him at the same time and it burnt through her soul. She needed him just as much as she needed to breathe...but .....he left and she has to move on . Even if it meant she'd eventually loose her mind , she was putting him in the past.

She ran out of her bed and fished through her jewellery box . At the bottom, lay the pendant he gave her . She furiously picked it up and threw it in the garbage can next to her table . She slowly moved to her bedside and picked up the picture frame of them both. She ran her fingers across his smooth face one last time .

She had to let it go, as tears dropped , she could feel rage rise within. She quickly wiped her face and put on the biggest smile she could afford to.

"No more "
She whispered to herself.

She gave the picture the same ending as her pendant and made her way to the bathroom. She stopped by the mirror and saw what was left of her .

He had reduced her to nothing in a course of 2 years . She couldn't even look in the mirror without seeing him standing behind her with his hands around her waist.

Allowing herself to take in everything she gave a loud scream which turned out to be satisfying in a weird way , and forced a smile again. This time , she was determined to keep that smile for as long as she could.

As she splashed water on her face , she couldn't help but feel a sudden sense of comfort. She couldn't really tell what the feeling was about, but she was at least proud that her mind had finally made a firm choice.

As if he was right in front of her , she let out a soft sigh and uttered the words she never thought she would ,

"Good bye Carlos" 💔

© The-labyrinth-within