

Lost the Savings 😔
Sitting with my friends in the canteen, I am having lunch. Suddenly my friend told that she lost her money. We were shocked and I asked her to elaborate the things. After her narration I just got a feel that what if my money was also stolen. I could never afford to loose that, I have saved that money from the past 5 years which was given to me by Grandparents. With that tensed feeling, I went to my room and checked my luggage.
I froze at that spot suddenly, I just zoned out there. After coming into senses I checked the amount. More than half amount was missing,
my vision became blurry
my eyes flooded with tears
my brain flooded with questions
my heart filled with Impressions
Impressions of my grandparents giving me the money those scenes are just flashing on my mind.

The people around me came to console me but I just couldn't take their words into my Mind. I cried a lot that my breathing became uneven. I called my mom, she told me "Don't cry, yours tears can't bring back the money. It will influence your study. It's okay to lose money. You should have locked the bag, it's just our bad luck." I said "Okay maa"............

Everyone around me trying to make me calm down. But there are so many questions in my mind. How can the person who took the money know my secret place. It is just not leaving my mind.
I was continuously counted the money but what's the use of it ???
Just the scenes where I happily saved that money are visible for me. After crying a lot I slept.
Even when I woke up I was checking my money. After that we complained to Management. Me and my friends had a very long conversation about it.
Now it's time to sleep but I just have a feeling that how they know my secret place what if something is wrong, I know iam overthinking but my mind takeover my heart. I just couldn't sleep even if I sleep I was like in a transe imagining things without giving rest to that stupid brain. Once I realised that I was dreaming, I thought to come out of it. I tried to close and open my eyes I tried to get up but I can't. After many tries I give up and stayed there like a lifeless or to be say brainless. I just felt that I was living between cameras.
Others may not understand my feelings and just cross my words saying that it's just Overthinking. Even I know that damn thing, I couldn't able to control my emotions. I just need space or some time to calm myself. But the thought that " The money I saved, as a dearest gift from grandparents is not mine anymore", I just couldn't digest it.
My mind is a mess at present, I am being doubtful about everyone, which also madew think that I am being a bit more. What if I was just accusing the a wrong theft on an Innocent........

Hope I can learn how to control my over thinking mind ...........

# Short story of my feelings.
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