The Tale of the Master of Spriturble Sward
In a distant land, there was a legendary swordsman known as the Master of Spriturble Sward, a wise and powerful man with a long brown beard, known to his disciples as Young-Old. Among his pupils were two inseparable friends: Ahn, a sweet and determined young man with black hair, and Suo, a fierce but compassionate soul with golden hair and piercing black eyes. Suo was particularly captivating, her presence a blend of humility and grace that endeared her to everyone.
Ahn and Suo had two close companions: one wielded a powerful enchanted sword, while the other was bonded to a magical spider...
The Tale of the Master of Spriturble Sward
In a distant land, there was a legendary swordsman known as the Master of Spriturble Sward, a wise and powerful man with a long brown beard, known to his disciples as Young-Old. Among his pupils were two inseparable friends: Ahn, a sweet and determined young man with black hair, and Suo, a fierce but compassionate soul with golden hair and piercing black eyes. Suo was particularly captivating, her presence a blend of humility and grace that endeared her to everyone.
Ahn and Suo had two close companions: one wielded a powerful enchanted sword, while the other was bonded to a magical spider...