

Paranoia and Ice Tea
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end? The man has asked himself over and over,driving him deeper into psychosis.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. Each day focusing on self isolation and eventually quarantine. Each day talking about how big the pandemic has spread.
Paranoia has set in the man. Thoughts on if and when he'll get it. Rumors that his, friends at one point in time, has come down with...the virus. It was close to home, his first in people dwindled. The virus taking over his every thought, his every action.
It has been a year since he was last outside. The modern times of food delivery and other services was the sole reason of his survival.
The virus has been controlled but the man has been through so much trauma, he still fears it.
There was a particular amd unfortunate turn of events as food deliveries has died down,forcing the man to actually take a step out in the real world to get...ice tea.
Waiting in line,mask and all, he stood there tensed and paranoid. His luck would change when an unmasked lady standing behind him sneezed without covering her hand. The sound sent a wave of fear and anxiety. The fear being too much, the man died right. there from a heart attack.