

A Call By My Childhood
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on its edge, looking towards the big sky above us. As I would be out-looking into the blue vastness of God’s creation, my mother would be making a sandwich nearby while my father helped her with paper plates. I would try to make pictures from the clouds that would swoosh right above me. They all were running somewhere which I later found out to be towards the sea for full filling its long thirst. Sometimes, the images would change just after a few minutes of me getting distracted to yet another cloud forming a different image. I would lie there, with nature by my side, observing the vastness of the universe. I would try to look as far as I could where the river would end meeting the sky.

There was something in that air, or maybe it was me being a child without any burden and responsibilities that made me feel at peace with myself. Something that told my inner soul to believe that life is good and that million other opportunities are lying there in front of you. It made me believe in myself as well as others. It pushed me to get up and get out of my comfort zone. It made me think about the things I could achieve even after I’ve just fallen and nearly drown into the river. It makes me go deep further and understand that water lifts you too if you let all your weight pass away. That’s the thing you know, you need to release all the thoughts that constantly cloud your head and make you go insane. You should let go of it all and then you will find yourself floating in the air, happy within yourself, enjoying every moment of your life as you should.

Just let it all go.

Our childhood tells us many things about ourselves which often gets lost in this difficult process of growing up.

© Vaish