

Our Natural Frequency
Natural Frequency
Everything in this universe has its natural frequency, with which it kept on vibrating. Except for humans, all other things of this universe have a constant frequency and can't do modification in their frequency without the influence of any external factor. If I talk about Humans-We humans who are the most dominant character of the galaxy can diversify their natural frequency.
Now a question arises Is we humans have a natural frequency? Can we alter it? If Yes then how?
The process of improving natural frequency is as hard as it is easy. Throughout our life, we humans continuously show fluctuation in frequency. Sometimes it is high, sometimes it is low, sometime it may become so low that people undergo depression. Sometimes we are vibrating with so high frequency that other people nearby us can feel the positivity.
So first understand why frequency goes down.
We all know about the "Law of Karma"-We reap what we sow. There is a common saying that we became what we believe and what we do. So because of our wrong deed, we get depressed.
Here I listing few things due to which our natural frequency goes down.
Done a hostile argument with someone.
Done something wrong to someone or yourself.
You saw something that should not be seen.
Unable to achieve the daily target.
The decrease in the water level of the body.
Lived in a polluted environment.
Betrayed anyone.
These are the 10 things which people do frequently. These things cause a fall in natural frequency.
Now answer one question to yourself.
How do you feel after doing any of these things? Have you felt delighted or sinful?
You did these things and you don't take notice of this activity, slowly these deeds pile up one on other. Hence you start feeling awful day by day and then a day comes when you find yourself in the state of pessimism.
Every problem has a solution. It also has the same.
There are various ways to increase the natural frequency I'm listing down a few.
Help others whenever you get a chance based on your capability.
2.Set goals and achieve them. Especially daily goals.
Be kind to everyone.
Avoid hostile discussion.
Don't betray anyone.
Do worship.
Do meditation.
Drink 6Lto 8L of water daily.
Do exercise.
Keep a smile on your face always.
Read good books. Ethical books.
By bringing these habits into your lifestyle, You feel eloquent.

Try to follow these things I assure u day by day your will power will increase.