

Rain splattered on the pavement, dark clouds loomed above and a thick fog hung in the humid air. Although just a drizzle now, there was going to be a devastating storm.
I took a right and arrived in the parking lot of Honey's bakery. The alluring scent of pastry fillings and warm, freshly baked bread invaded my senses.
I paused when I saw him. With a girl. Maybe -
I watched, my shriveled heart was numb, as they shared a small kiss, then walked away hand in hand, talking and smiling.
A pained smile tugged at my lips. Thunder rumbled, and the drizzle became a downpour. I decided to order my treats from the car.
While on the phone, I heard a gentle tap on the glass. Looking up, I lowered the glass.
"Simsim," He waved sweetly, his other hand held up an umbrella, which did nothing to keep the rain from wetting his jeans. "Come in."
"I didn't agree to that nickname," I muttered. "And I'm okay out here, Matteo."
"I didn't as if you were okay, I told you to come in. It's going to be a wild storm. I can't leave you out here."
"You're gonna have to," I rolled the window back up, but left a small space for air.
I saw Matteo roll his eyes and walk back to the bakery. Turning off my phone, I threw it in the backseat and sat there, eyes closed, savouring the cool air and the smell of rain that I loved.
But probably, that didn't truly love me back too.
Knocks on the window brought me out of my thoughts. Matteo, again? He was crouching, for some reason.
I opened the door and he slipped into the car, sitting down and soaking the seats.
"Sup," He nodded at me in a greeting.
"Aren't you supposed to be working?"
"My shift ended. And, your order is my last delivery."
I looked at him, and figured he'd been crouching to protect my order.

He opened the bag and handed me a mini rock bun. Then he took a cinnamon roll and bit into it.
"You do know that I ordered this, right?"
"Well, duhh. Of course I do. I delivered it." He said. "Now tell me what's up. You've created a huge storm, and I'm not going to believe it's just 'nothing'."

I bit and chewed my bun, looking away from him and out at the drops of water sliding down on my window.
"Trey and I broke up,"
"Oh," He said. "Did he - "
" Not an official breakup. But what else can I do after seeing him on a date with my best friend?"
"The fuck?! He's cheat-"
"Language. Besides, it doesn't matter. That's how it always goes. I don't care."
He snorted. " Tell that to the clouds you made outside... wait... he's cheating with Diane?"
I nodded.
"I'm sorry, Simone."
"It's okay."
"I wish I could do something, "
"I know,"
"Want a cinnamon roll?"
"Yes, please." I breathed in the scent of the warm pastry and took a bite, sighing in satisfaction.
"You could always just date me, you know."
I rolled my eyes, chuckling softly.

And slowly, slowly, the storm became nothing more than a drizzle.

© 2023 by ravenizcul