

Visit from the Dead
Her heart is as cold as the December night going on outside. Her mind is as empty as the jar on her table. It is really cold outside. She gets up and she walks towards the living room. She lives alone.
Her eyes become full of tears, without any important reason. She wipes her tears away, while realising it's the cold wind from outside that made her cry. She walks towards the window, but as she closes it, she hears a loud noise.
"Hello? Is someone here?" She's curious. She walks past the table and she lies on the couch trying to calm herself down. A loud noise coming from her basement caught her surprised.
"What is going on?" she thought as she was getting up. "There's a problem".
Full of worry, she got downstairs and unlocked the basement door.
She got in. The room was dark, as the light was switched off. She turned it on and looked around the room with a great relief. It was empty.
Suddenly, the loud noise of something breaking filled her house. " That's weird" she thought as she was getting upstairs, but then she saw him. A man wearing a red suit and white gloves was leaving her house.
She was scared. And then she saw them. The jar was lying on the floor broken and... A picture of her father, who had died a few years ago due to cancer, was also lying on the floor. And he was wearing a red suit and white gloves.
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