

Past Twelve-O-Clock

A catastrophe has been predicted, we should be alert at all times. It does not describe anything but its severity - which is massive. All we can do is wait and be ready. It will occur at 12am on the dot. Here it comes! 12:01... 12:02... 12:03... What happened?

The silence consumed the night. A sound of foot step. No two. No, wait, three or maybe it's more than that. What was it? A loud sound died right after the other. The door slowly moved into the darkness of the room Marcus was hiding in. Showing a glimpse of an unwelcoming shadow, the door creeked open and a huge man was moving towards the bed. Marcus could only see the dirty muddy boots. The shadow moved closer, a little bit more closer..

Marcus' heart was thumping as if it'll explode from the fear he was trying to supress."Be strong." He remembered his late father's last line. Marcus closed his eyes and clutched the knife tighter that he was holding since the time he heard the sound of bullet shots as the clock striked 12.

"I killed your father, kid. Do you want to know who's next?"

© Blue C.
