

Reincarnation (Chapter 12)
[Yes- this has not been updated in forever]

The 3 big sisters, without a care in the world just burst through the doors.

"Who-" The instructor seemed like he wanted to say something but he immediately knelt down and paid his respects to the 3 youthful looking sisters.

"This girl.. She will be attending this medical classes from now onwards." Sister Luo stated as she swept her frosty gaze across the classroom.

The students shivered under her gaze and gulped, "Oh of course! Thank you for visiting this place anyways." The instructor gave a bootlicking smile at the three sisters as all of them nodded uninterestedly at him.

"We'll leave her in your care... And if she complains about this lesson or anything..." Sister Luo said out coolly with an underlying tone of killing intent.

"H-haha of course!" He rubbed his hands together as he chuckled awkwardly, "Come, come. Sit anywhere you want." He gestured for me excitedly.

"Thank you big sisters. See you later." I beamed at them as I waved goodbye.

Sister Luo looked over at me satisfied while the Bing sisters gushed over me. "Mn." Sister Luo gave a quick nod of acknowledgement before she dragged out the other two sisters out.

After that I turned to smile at the instructor, "Young miss. What's your name?" He asked me with a friendly smile.

"Hello mister. You may call me Xiang Ting." I replied back courteously with a slight bow facing the class.

"Choose any seat you want Miss Xiang Ting." He grinned at me.

I stepped right infront of a fairly handsome looking guy.

"Instructor. May I sit beside him?" I asked seeing that there was an empty seat beside him.

"U-uh Miss Xiang Ting.. That guy is inauspicious and unlucky. Bad luck will befall to people around him, so I wouldn't recommend sitting down beside him." The instructor replied nervously.

"It's fine. I wanna see what kind of bad luck will befall onto me..." I trailed off with a polite smile. "I-..." He looked as if he wanted to say something but restrained himself and smiled back politely.

"As you wish than Miss Xiang Ting. You may change seats anytime if you'd like." The teacher politely say as I nodded and thanked him.

Glancing to my side to see the kid just staring on the scene nonchalantly, however behind that mask of his. I could sense some loneliness, joy or shock from this situation along with pain and hurt for something else

"So... What's your name?" I turned my face slightly and asked, "..." The guy deliberately ignored me as he indefinitely stared straight ahead.

"Hello~? Are you gonna make me wait?" I asked but he didn't reply still, "Mister~ If you don't reply I'll just draw attention towards us again~" I said in a sing song tone as I felt him flinch.

His fingers twitching slightly as he tilted hid head towards my direction, "An Ning.." He murmured softly before I saw the teacher snap towards our direction.

"How dare you talk in class!" He exclaimed as the other students snicker at him "Go outside and stand.. You know what to do as your punishment." The teacher pointed out sharply as he reluctantly stood up, sighing beneath his breath before I heard the scraping of the chair against the floor.

I followed suite and followed him out of the door as the teacher looked at me with a panicked expression, "What are you doing Miss Xiang Ting?" He asked as I stopped in my tracks.

Turning back to look at him, "Well I initiated the conversation with him so I'll just stand outside with him." I replied with a slight smile.

"No no it isn't your fault, it's his fault for continuing the conversation." He tried to appease me as I shook my head, "It's fine, I'll just follow him." I rejected as I followed behind the shocked boy.

"I-" I heard the instructor try to say but I slammed the door on his face, "Lets go.." I offered, holding my hand out for him to grab.

"Come on~ He's coming soon~" I teased slightly as he stared at my hand reluctantly, hearing the shuffled footsteps behind the door than did he grab my hand fully.

At that instant, I teleported us away into the markets alleyway. "Hehehe~ Lets go and play~" I giggled out as he stared at me dumbfoundedly.

"Why are you doing this..." He trailed off warily, "Hm~ I wonder... Well it was my fault as well so I'll need to bear the responsibility as well." I chuckled out.

"Oh wait- Let me inform my brother first." I replied as he stood there motionlessly waiting for me. "Hm... Mind-link?" I murmured before I focused on my thoughts, directing it and sending a message in his mind.

'Brother.. I'm hanging out with my friend at the market place.' I informed before I nodded slightly.

"Now lets play." I cheered out excitedly, grabbing his hand out as I dragged him out of the alleyway.

"W-wait-" I could hear him stumble on his words slightly as I dragged him out, "Wow~ Look at how lively this place is." I marvelled at the bright expressions on peoples faces as the street was bustling in a lively manner.

"W-won't we get scolded-" He asked as I stopped in my tracks, "Nah~ Even so, will he dare to scold me?" I chuckled out as I saw him shaking his head, murmuring.

"But he will scold me though..." "Nope~! Even if I still got punished, I'll make sure that at least you're not being punished." I reassured him before I continued browsing the stores.

"Ohhh~ Hello mister, I would like to get that bracelet and a gem of its own." I waved towards the vendor to catch his attention as he gave me a wide grin.

Wiping the sweat off of us head he replied honestly, "That's an excellent choice young miss... I'm just going to tell you about the craftsmanship.."

"Oh yes? What about it?" I asked as I admired the somewhat neat looking crafted jewel.

"It was my daughter was the one who did it.." He trailed off awkwardly "Yep, well it's cute so I would like that blue jeweled pair aswell anddddd the red pair of necklace." I began to place down the order as I saw a glimmer of thankfulness shine pass his eyes.

"Can I use my powers to make sure the bracelet doesn't come off?" I bent down to whisper to him, "Yes of course." He nodded.

"Than I'll take those." I replied. "O-of course young miss." He stuttered before he gently began wrapping up the bracelets, "Oh you don't need to wrap up that bracelet." I informed as he nodded.

"In total these are 5silvers.." He trailed off, "5Silvers?" I questioned as he nodded with a slightly worried expression.

"Here ya go, make sure to feed your family." I chuckled before handing him a gold coin.

"I-I Thank you for your patronage young miss!" He exclaimed thankfully as he hid the gold coin discreetly away from the others watchful eyes.

"Lets go~~" I dragged him off away towards a stand where they sold chicken skewers and bought 5.

Dragging him towards the bridge as we stood at the sides for me to eat, "Here ya go." I offered him a stick as he politely refused.

"I wasn't giving you a choice." I snorted out before I shoved part of the stick into his mouth, "This too." I clasped the bracelet with a shining canary yellow sapphire onto his wrist before locking it shut with my power.

"W-what!?" He exclaimed before he struggled to get it off, "Nobody can help you take that off now." I chuckled at his antics as he did weird frantic motions.

I took out the yellow gem itself and kissed it, creating a slight bond with my aura where I have learnt in my mafia world.

Even though we didn't have cultivations and stuff, we had a 'bonding' system like some witchy wiccan stuff to connect us together as a sibling bond, whether they were biological or not.

"Just keep it as a friendship bracelet besides it won't do you much harm." I shrugged before walking off, dragging him along again.

© Naruko