

The Swarm Within
When things grew worse, it was like a domino effect, an unraveling of everything stable and familiar. It began slowly, almost imperceptibly. Small, isolated changes—tiny cracks in the surface. At first, it was a single, restless feeling, like a lone grasshopper hopping along in a parade, unsure of its place. But soon, the shifts in behavior became too obvious to ignore.

The isolation morphed into agitation. What once seemed like a manageable restlessness quickly spread like wildfire. It no longer felt like individual struggles but a collective swarm—much like locusts that, after moving solo for so long, suddenly gather into a destructive force. The lone hopping turned into a chaotic movement, growing stronger and louder as others joined in.

The air was thick with tension as the once calm and orderly world spiraled into confusion. What began as small frustrations or fears now gathered, sweeping across everything in sight. A swarm of thoughts, emotions, and reactions overwhelmed the mind, just as locusts devour fields, leaving nothing behind.

There was no controlling the flood now. What had been a simple series of struggles had evolved into something uncontrollable, spreading through the hearts of all. It was as if the swarm itself had a life of its own, dictating the rhythm of existence, transforming order into chaos.

Yet, in the midst of it all, there remained hope—just as locusts eventually disperse, there was a sense that, with time, the swarm of chaos within could settle. Change could still happen, and perhaps, from the destruction, something new and stronger could emerge.
© christian06030