




Beneath his despondent surface, Xiang yearns for a meaningful existence, a reason to believe in the world's future, and ultimately, peace within himself. He already habors a secret desire for purpose and a need for inner peace, which set stage for his journey as the prophesied saviour of zingogin kingdom.

Even though Chu-Hua the wife of the late Captain luchi is finding a way to destroy his Destiny from being a reality, it's due to the fear and threat he will bring towards Japan and before that happens she has to execute him immediately without any notice from anyone.

Chu-Hua gave instructions to all her soldiers from the east, west, north and south of Kyoto city and no one dare disobey her orders, no one can't. The soldiers where blunt towards their feelings to Xiang and they're not willing to show him an iota of remorse, or pity, moreover she's the one feeding them with her salary and they're not willing to lose in two ways.

Chu-Hua : "Xiang has provoked the gods of Manchuria, Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Shizuoka, we must execute him before he fulfills his destiny, it will be a threat to our gods and also to every living creature in Kyoto city". So brace yourself everyone and obey all my instructions and orders I'm giving to you right now.

Kyoto Soldier's: Yes!, Captain Chu-Hua , we are ready to fulfill and obey all your services, your will is our command, and it shall always be done with our Passion and our lives will be laid down for you if it turns out to look that way".

Chu-Hua : "I love all your commitment and dedication towards this great nation, your children, families, wife, and everyone close to you all, will enjoy free bonuses, in the aspect of food, clothing, and anything you desire to have it shall be given to everyone of you simultaneously".

Kyoto Soldier's: "we are really grateful your excellency, so when should we kill him?"

Chu-Hua : "I've told you exactly how I want is death to be, but the plan is, there's a secret room that leads to tokyo and when Captain luchi was alive he showed it to Xiang

Xiang already knew what their plan was all about and the heavens saved him not to pass the secret room that was orchestrated by Captain luchi, though they're some certain secrets that was revealed to him alone, even the wife of the captain was an exemption to that secret.

Apart from the secret room that leads to tokyo city there's a certain pathways that lead to another dimension and it's quite different from the secret room, it's like a realm on it own, not everyone can enter that realm, except the chosen one of that certain realm.

Chu-Hua : There must not be any mistakes since the plan is well laid down, and they won't be any forgiveness if it happens.

Kyoto Soldier's; Noted Ma'am.

It was late in the night, the atmosphere was a very thrilling one, the warmth and comfort of it brought palpitation to Kyoto Soldier's. The birds were chirping in the sky, and their melodious song it's a beauty to behold on it own. Most of the soldiers where having a strange feelings within themselves, but they had no choice to ignore those feelings, or else it's a death sentence to them.

They set certain traps, death traps to the beginning of the pathways to the end of it, those traps are very deadly and can kill any living thing within a minute. Deleterious substances where released through the corridor of the secret room and a living rat that was spotted in the room died instantly due to the power of the weapon. And this serve as prove to them that, Xiang will soon leave the world of the living.

"Now tell me, how do you expect him to escape this painful death we are plotting against him, one of the high ranked soldier know as the major general, questioned everyone?"

After they've completed the traps and their evil plotting towards xiang , their motivation was really high and they know they will never commit any mistake, but Xiang curiosity made him enter the dimension of another realm he couldn't dream of, the chills it brought to his fragile body, made all his skin worn out till everything peels away, he was totally lifeless, and completely weak travelling to another realm isn't something that really easy. He fainted after teleporting to where is destiny resides.

A gloomy weather covered his face and made him nauseous for a while, tik tok, tik tok, he found himself in another realm, signs of confusion, totally ruin.

Xiang: "How did I find myself in this place, where exactly is my life leading me to? is this my fate or is this where my future resides".

hmmmm, my life is at stake but where exactly am I, I must get a root to this in other to find the real definition of my life.

Xiang left the other realm, he found himself in, though the weather was still gloomy and he nearly lose his way, but there was an illumination of light that pave ways to him.

Chu-Hua: Butchered all the soldiers in Kyoto in a brutal way, some of their heads were hanging on a gallow of pole close to Captain Luchi grave, she was really pissed, they couldn't handle their duty in a way she ordered them to do, but killing them cooled her temper for a while, but her hatred towards Xiang has no limit and it increase her temper the more when she realises that he was still alive.

"CHU-HUA: Wherever you're Xiang I will find you, no matter what, I will make sure your life will be bitter, your dreams will be filled with sorrow, blackness and emptiness. you'll never escape from Xiang, you'll never no matter what,

"I will find you! be prepared for my coming!"