

Letter from Roald Dahl(going solo).
Dear Mama,
It's pleasure lying back and listening to and at the same time watching the antics of Hitler and Mussolini who are invariably on the ceiling catching flies and mosquitoes. Hitler and Mussolini are two lizards which live in our sitting room. They are always here, and apart from being very useful about the house they're exciting to watch, You can see Hitler (who is smaller than Musso and not so fat) fixing his unfortunate victim - often a small moth - with a very hypnotic eye. The moth, terrified, stays stock still, then suddenly, so quickly that you can hardly see the movement at all, he darts his neck forward, shoots out a long tongue, and that's the end of the moth. They're quite small only about 10 inches long, and they've taken on the color of the walls &
ceiling which are yellow & become
quite transparent. You can see their appendixes,at least we think we can......??💔💔
Mishra Poonam