

Opposite Attracts
Wendy and Sara were the definition of opposite attracts. Wendy, a fiery red he'd with a temper to match, stood out in a crowd. her freckles scattered across her cheeks like a constellation, and her sharp tongue could cut down anyone who dared to cross her. Sara , on the other hand , dark hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall , and her gentle smile could soothe even the most savage of beast . Despite their differences the two girls had formed an unbreakable bond. They had met in the 7 grade , and their friendship had been a rollercoaster ride of laughter, tears and countless sleepovers . Now as they navigated the treacherous waters of grade 10 , they were more than just best friends - they were sisters .

As they walked down the crowded hall way Wendy's fiery spirit drew the attention from the passersby . Sara now ever blended into the background , content to observe and listen. Their lockers were side , a symbol of their friendship.
"Wendy calm down ! " Sara pleaded , as Wendy raged about her recent argument with her brother.
"I can't believe him sara , He's so annoying" Wendy's voice echoed through the hallway , drawing curious glances.
Sara chuckled , shaking her head " you're going to blow a fuse one day Wend".
Wendy shot her a side way glance , her eyes flashing with defiance " I'm fine Sara , don't worry about me ". But Sara knew better. She knew that beneath Wendy's tough exterior lay a heart of gold , a heart that beats beyond loyalty and love . And she knew that their friendship was one thing that kept Wendy grounded , kept her from loosing herself in the storm of emotions .
As the exchanged books and notes , sar smiled to her self . she knew that this year was going to be a wild ride but with Wendy by her side she was ready for anything.
So they continued their conversation.
Sara ," hey Wend have you finished the math assignment ? , you know it is due tomorrow right ?"
Wendy rolled her eyes , " ugh, no...I was going to do it this morning then I overslept missed , the bus...then I wanted to do it at lunch but I got into an argument with my brother..."
Sara nodded sympathetically " yeah , I know the feeling, I still have my English essay...can i come over after school ?"
Wendy's face lit up
" yes , that would be amazing !, I cant tackle that math homework alone ".
Sara grinned
Don't worry , we'll conquer it together. And maybe get it done before your brother gets home and annoys you again .
Wendy chuckled, her temper forgotten. you're the best Sara . After the assignment we can watch videos or something.
The bell rang

Looks like it's time for class...
" ugh "Wendy groaned as they walked down the hall towards their class.
Sara looked at Wendy then tried to motivate her . " well look at the bright side we have this class together .
Wendy groaned again .
As they settled into their next class . wendy found it hard to pay attention and couldn't resist the urge to check her phone especially when she heard a notification.
she sneakily pulled it out , thinking she could get a quick glance . But mr Johnson , their strick biology teacher, had other plans .
" Wendy " he called.
but Wendy was so distracted tht she didn't hear him
" Wendy "he called
she looked up...
" is that a phone I see ?" he asked with his voice firm but amused
Wendy tried to hide it but mr Johnson was too quick. he strode over and snatched it from her hand .
" hey that mine !" Wendy protested, her temper flaring .
" in my class room , it's not " mr Johnson replied, his expression firm , turning his back and walking to his desk to continue his class.
Wendy's face turned red with anger. she jumped up from her seat , her eyes blazing.
" Give it back mr Johnson !"
It wasn't necessary creating all that drama but knowing Wendy as she is , she was furious .
Mr Johnson held firm.
". Not till the end of my class Wendy , now sit down and pay attention"
Wendy's anger bottled over . she marched over to mr Johnson's deak , her fist clenched . " GIVE . IT . BACK ."
The class room fell silent , all eyes on the confrontation. Sara watched in horror as her friend's temper took over .
Mr Johnson stood his ground , but Wendy was beyond reason . she snatched her phone back , her face triumphant.

" Detention , Wendy ," Mr Johnson said , his voice firm. "NOW" . Mr Johnson wrote a slip and handed it to Wendy .
Wendy's smile faltered , but her anger still simmered . she stormed out of the class her eyes flashing a warning to anyone who dared approach her.
Sara sighed , worried about her friends impulsive behavior. she knew Wendy's temper was a ticking bomb , and she feared the consequences of her friends actions . Looks like they weren't going to see each other after school after all . little did she know this was only the beginning of a tumultuous year.

Wendy rolled her eyes , but a small smile played on her lips . " Don't get to cocky it's just detention ".

© Thepineapple