

The Maid - 2020 (Horror/Drama)
This Thai Netflix movie portrayed the story of Joy a teenager, who work as a domestic maid in a mansion where she being haunted by the previous maid spirit. She took a deliberate effort to find out the secret behind her death and thus, the story became more exciting.
Let's dive into the plot, the film is divided into 3 chapters, and at the end of each chapter the plot will reveal something interesting. Though the diegesis is predictable, and quite cliche, the execution is appreciable. I adore the style of direction cause, he introduces the characters in the right spot of the movie and reveals them slowly.
Whatever it's the highlight of the movie is the one and only Joy (Ploy Sornarin) the thai actress who just lived in this movie by all means. Her gruesome, dark nature performance are top-noch.
As I already mentioned the story is not that impressive, but there are few good elements to watch. Especially Joy's character, and I'm sure she won't disappoint you.