

My Gethsemane

King Leviathan mated with queen Jezebel on the hill; they defiled the hill.
A little while later, Jezebel gave birth to Tammuz… “the son of god.”
The same one, often referred to as narcissism and vanity.

Thru the ages Tammuz gave birth to many sons, Hitler and Mussolini are the most infamous, but the worst one has yet to come.
He will carry the detribute of the formers with his father's added Anti-Christ syndrome.
As a whole, they have the same spirit, their aim is to saturate the hearts of men with hate; they've been very busy.
Silent but deadly with the stinger, they will surely lead many to the lake of fire.

Be careful of their prick, deception is their game and like a vulgar prepuce, they have manufactured another pandemic.

But, I just now remembered something, I once seen a mighty dog loose out of its cage, he was full of bark with very sharp teeth; he was very mighty and scary, but yet, on a very short leash, and is name was Tammuz.

Now, I ‘am sorry to say this but, “The Land Of The Free,” was never a Christian Nation; it was meant to be, but the spies were yet again successful.
How can this be ? Our nation’s capital is name after a whore and the mother’s of whores, the so call “Queen of the Coast” or “Queen of Heaven."
Sadly, each year she is given praises in the church, in the “Christian Nation.”

Each year the inhabitants of earth offer to her sacrifices and often become sacrifice for her themselves; for Sri Lanka, Tammuz used the terrorist labeled umbrella to cover his own act of terror.
Five hundred millions is their number one target and mandatory vaccination is the next umbrella.

These Muppets even boast of The Prophecies, given before hand in the bible, on their Georgia Guidestones; “Silly Muppets, tricks are for kids.”
We are in desperate need of a revival, Father why have you forsaken us?

Well, since you gave me an optimistic spirit, each day I should pray for a hundred more years; intercession prayer however, is available to all breathing souls.
Not to be trouble with whatever comes next my dear friends; for it was all written before hand, so, nevertheless, not my will but thy will be done Father; on earth as it is in heaven.
