

A Flower
The sky is painted upon the canvas of the world. Colors of pink and purple dancing and complimenting orange, yellow and a blinding and lurring white. The clouds float softly, unbound by pattern or design. A randomness that sparks beauty. The sun sits comfortably upon the rolling ocean. Towards the edge of the ocean where it's foam meets the sand bed lays a beach house. Birds playfully fly around the trees that shade the critters that walk the soft dirt and those who reside even lower. In the house a couple is sleeping, both dreaming something wonderous. The man wakes up, rugged and energized. He walks towards the patio and rests on the wooden fence. The birds sing a song all gathering like a choir all while tending to their own. The man ponders but the thought has left him as quickly as it met him. The ocean can be herd softly flowing over itself. The leaves russtle and brush against each other. A flower, yellow at the core becoming red towards the rim with a gorgeous green stem, blows next to him.

The woman finally awoke from her dream-filled sleep. She saw the man standing there gazing upon the flower. She walked to him slowly wrapping her arms around him hugging him intimately. The touch was padded in a way. Their skin touched yet it felt... different. The intimacy felt like a false sense of love. Something, a distasteful thought invaded the man's mind. It then left him. The woman kissed him on his bearded cheek. It sent no spark. No natural occurance of love or any emotion creating that feeling. He finally moved away. As he looked at her there was something. Was it her eyes? Her smile?

In this panic to understand what was happening. The flower shriveled and died. The man fell, dumbfounded and in a state of paralysis. The sky, once a striking view and wonderous blend of colors became darkened and grey. The sun bubbled a dark red. The ocean now crashing, shredding the sand. Birds fought crowing and screeching. The trees died and fell into themselves. Still feeble and sitting on the patio he watched as his love slowly disintegrated into a dustly pile. The world he saw became nothing, collapsing and disintegrating. He found himself floating in total darkness a darkness never seen. Colors would clash and disappear. Sounds, loud and quiet, battled and rang out all around the man.

He then awoke in his bed, wrapped in a sickly brown and yellow blanket. He saw a disgusting apartment only lighted by the outside. What was a gorgeous sky and ocean was a greyed city tainted by smoke and pollution. People walked blackened and shadowed. They tended to themselves. And next to him was no one. As tragic as the sight was however, a flower, yellow at the core that became red towards the rim sat upon his dresser next to the open window. And with the sight of the flower awakened a smirk in the man.
© Donovan Robertson