

Relationship Episode 7
Next day when Rajiv reached his office he went to reception and asked about any phone calls for him or not receptionist said hat there were no phone calls for him after hearing this he went to his cabin he saw that his father-in-law was sitting there and waiting for him when he went inside and sat his father-in-law told him about smita's problems and many more things but rajiv refused to listen and he told dhaneshwar to get put from there after this rajiv called smita and he tells everything thing that happened smita told rajiv that those people were also talking about her father rajiv told smita everything will be alright and not to worry about these things when he kept smita's call his calig told him that someone has came to meet him and he has been sitting here from 2 hours rajiv told his calig to call that person in his cabin after hat his calig went to that person and told him that rajiv has called him after that the person who was waiting outside he went in his cabin when rajiv saw that person he was shocked because that person was his best and childhood friend Komal.

When Komal meet rajiv she was also very happy, when rajiv asked Komal that what was reason to come here Komal told to rajiv that she heard somebody was talking about his married life and they were planning to finish his married life rajiv told Komal that smita was also telling about like this and she also heard someone talking about his married life, After that rajiv told Komal to come to his house so that they can find who is doing all these things.

On the other hand Dhaneshwar was ready with his full proof plan to break rajiv and smita's married life, Dhaneshwar at his house telling his goons to keep eye on rajiv and smita so that he could know that what they are doing.
Next episode coming soon........
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