

Massive love ❤
lt's in the morning, and as usual my mom wakes me up to come eat breakfast and my dad shouting " what kind of lady wakes up so late". l walked down the glass stairs, the house maid greeting me with a friendly smile as usual.

By then my favourite show which starts at 10:30 was playing on television. Then eventualy a bell rang in my mind that I'm late for my biology exemination.
l ran back upstairs and grabed my bag and my biology text book, then l ran back down stairs again , kissed my mom and dad goodbye.
One of my father's bodyguards took me to school as fast as he could before l was too late. After five minutes we arrived and I'm sure you wondering , how? Well, the university was not far from home.

The examination started at 10:00 and l was late by 35 minutes. l wrote as fast as l could and l finished right on time.
The teacher took our papers as she said she will give us our marks at 2:00 in the afternoon. l waited with my friend Lucy untill 2:00 and the teacher handed over our marks. l was trilled to realise that l passed the test by 90% .
We happily walked home even though l could easily call the guards to come fatch me. l just wanted to walk around the area and have a "girls time" with my best friend.

While we were walking a guy from varsity approached us and he asked to hang out with us and l saw no problem in that, so we walked together. While we were walking he requested to take us to a rastaurant nearby. l had my own suspicions but my friend insisted. We went to the rastaurant and we had fun, even though he kept on staring at me .
After some time l wanted to go home, so he walked me home and Lucy took a texi back home.
While we were walking, our conversation got a little awkward for me because he was asking a lot of personal questions. Right after that thought, he told me that I'm beautiful and he really likes me. l just said thank you. Just as l thought he asked me to be his girlfriend. To tell the truth, l did not really like him, he was just not what l ever wanted. lf you are asking what kind of guy l wanted, well, l want a kind, handsome, loving and caring. Well, l told him I'm not ready to be in a relationship, just to not hurt his feelings. Then he told me l must tell him if I'm ready and l agreed just to stop the conversation.

l then arrived home and it was around 6:00 in the evening. l got in and ran upstairs to my room before my mother shouted at that l got home at 6:00. "Amy!" my mother shouted. I turned around and she started shouting a lot that l actually got lost on what ahe was talking about.
While mom was busy shouting an old man knocked on the door asking for maybe atleast bread if we have just so he can atleast sleep with something in his stomach. My mom gave him a lot of food and some money. While l was looking at that old man a memory came to my head of my grandfather who passed away long time ago, killed by a man named David King who didn't even go to jail for what he did. David and his family are really dangerous. Dispite that, my dad hated that man more than anything and up until now my dad has still not forgiven him and he's still plotting a big revenge against the whole family of David.

l went in room, after some time my mom shouted "dinner is ready". l went downstairs to the dinner table and we all started eating. While we were eating my dad cleared his throat , looked at us and said "tomorrow we are going to visit the King family". My heart beat faster. l was very shocked and wondering why my dad would want to visit that family. l said to myself "there must be something he's up to".

So, l came up with a plan to find out. l eventually said l was full and l stood up and went upstairs. l wanted to find out what he is up to, so l went in his room and try find clues. While l was searching l came across a big book, I opened it. l was so shocked to see all the plans he's been plotting for the King family and l found out that he wants us to go to the King family and have dinner with them and pretend to make peace and he'll secretly plant a bomb in their house. l was terrified but then l thought that, right now l would be having a grandfather but because of them l don't.

So, tomorrow came and l was so ready. ln the evening l took a bath and l put on something really nice. We then left.
When we arrived, we got in and there was David himself, his three brothers Kelvin, Jack, Ryan and their wives. And there was also Ryan's son Bryan and David's son Brandon. They welcomed us with smiles on their faces thinking that we have bow-down to them. We got in and sat by the sitting-room. My dad put on a fack smile and started talking to David and prasing him. My mom also put on a fack smile and she started chatting with the wives and we were all waiting for dinner. David turned and looked at his son Brandon and said " son, show the girl around the house". He replied and said "okay".

He stood up and he said "come with me", and l just followed him. He asked " what's your name"and l replied "Amy and yours". He also replied and said "Brandon". We went up the stairs and he asked "would you like to go to the art room". And l said "yes". He opened the door for me and l was surprised to see him being so kind. We got in and he asked me if l liked to draw. l said "yes" with a smile on my face. He said "okay then, lets have a competition and see who is best at drawing". I excitedly said yes.
After sometime we were done and we checked each other's artwork. l drew a heart with an arrow in it and he drew a perfectly drawn cloudy sky and it was so obvious that he won. l was so jealous, so l took my paint brush and l painted him on the face, he took his paint brush too and ran after me and started painting me too. l saw a piano and l was so thrilled because l love music a lot. l asked him if he can play it and he said yes, so l asked him to play it for me. He started playing the piano, it was like he's been doing this for years now. He then started singing a song with the lyrics:" l found love, for me, darling just die fighting, follow my lead. l found a girl beautiful and sweet.........". His voice was so perfect that l almost started crying.

While he's was singing, he looked in my eyes and l couldn't focus looking at his beautiful green eyes. The way he was so handsome l even forgot he was David's son. He was so kind to me like he didn't know that our families are enemies. His mother called us and said we must come eat dinner. We went downstairs and we all started eating.

When were done eating, he said we must go watch a movie in his room. We went and the name of the movie was called:
"Meant To Be Together" and it was really romantic.
He took my hand, looked in my eyes said " you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my whole entire life", l smiled, he came closer and we kissed. My dad shouted "Amy! it's time to go home now, come down here!" l stood up and ran downstairs, l stopped, turned around, ran back to him and I kissed him again. He asked me if he's gonna see me again and I said "yeah, bye" and he replied and said "goodbye beautiful". I now went back downstairs with a big smile on my face. We said goodbyes and we went back home. We approached home and dad with a big smile on his face knowing what he has done. The bomb was gonna explode in 5 hours.

l went upstairs to my room and l lay down on my bed and looked up in the sky through the window. All l was seeing was beautiful, bright shining stars that are just so far away. Like my mom always says " look inside your heart because your heart never goes wrong". I did exactly that and I realised that i miss him a lot and most of all I realised that, I had fallen in love with him. I mean he is handsome, loving, caring and kind to me even though i am the daughter of their enemy. But what was I thinking, i mean his family killed my grandfather so we actually we not meant to be together. Right after that thought, my phone rang and and i answered. It was Brandon, with a deep nice voice he said
Brandon: Hey, gorgeous

Me: Hey you

Brandon: I'm already missing you

Me: stop pretending as if you like me,
you hate me and my family and
you killed my grandfather.

Brandon: I have nothing to do with
the death of your
grandfather. I'm nothing
like my father. There's
something i need to tell you,
can we meet outside, now.

Me: okay ( with a surprised look on
my face )

I sneaked out of the house and he came to fetch me and he took me to a very nice restaurant and we chilled.
After some time, he stopped talking, held my hand, looked in my eyes and he said: "I've fallen in love with you and i know i won't stop. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You are my flashlight when I'm in the dark. Can we just forget that our families are enemies and take my hand, I'll show you a whole new world, a world with just you and me. I'm trapped in your heart and i can't get out. All i want is your love. Amy, I love you."
I then said "I love you too"
We then kissed.
While we were kissing a memory came to my head. The bomb my dad planted was bombing anytime now.
I quickly told him and we ran to his house immidiately.
We arrived at his house and we looked all over the house and we did not find were the bomb was planted.
And on my guess, the bomb was exploding in two minutes. We were all freaking out. I took my phone and called my dad and told him to stop the bomb. He said:

Dad: What are you taking about?

Me: Dad i know everything, stop the
bomb now!

Dad: No i won't

Me: I'm in the house, so I'll also get

Dad: Get away from there NOW!

Me: No! I am not going anyway!
I'm staying here with Brandon


Me: And i said NO!
I won't let you hurt everyone.
And most of all i won't
I won't let you hurt Brandon.
Your enemy is David not his
And the best thing you can do for
yourself is to forgive David,
rather than being like him.

After some time, dad stopped the bomb.

My dad told me to break-up with Brandon or else I'll won't stay in his house. And David told Brandon to break-up with me or else he won't stay in his house. He chose me over his family and i chose him over my family. We found our own place to stay. Even though we did not have a lot of money our love was all we needed. I gave him all of me and he gave me all of him. Nothing else could ever defeat us when we were together. Our love shined brighter than the stars. Together we conquered the world, and i couldn't wait to be called Mrs King.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a story of a couple which chose love over everything .