

Cleanliness of my Village 😊
Cleanliness and sanitation were closest to Gandhiji's heart and his inspiring words made us perceive the true meaning of cleanliness and it's significance. But are we still remembering the ideologies of Gandhiji and his vision of clean India ?

Let us first understand why Gandhiji considered sanitation more important than independence. Cleanliness is consequential part of life which affects health and hygiene of each individual. It is for our physical well-being and strongly resist diseases and infections. It intensifies lifespan of a person and lead us to a delightful and tension free life. Sanitation engenders a person with good health and fresh mind which promotes the development of a country.

Usually mindset of people regarding 'Bapu's Clean India' is very different. Personal hygiene is foremost for each individual. But how can we maintain personal hygiene if public hygiene is neglected? Cleaning the public places is not the sole responsibility of sweepers and cleaners. Citizens of a country also play an important role in this clean India mission and this cannot be led forward unless we make our mind ; thoughts and heart pure and stop considering manual scavenging ; sweeping and cleaning by hands a disgraceful activity. But who will keep motivating the citizens of our country and from where can we commence our journey?

Government can contribute significantly to bring transformation in society and the Government of India has surely displayed it's leadership qualities and concern towards sanitation by commencing their journey at right time and from appropriate place. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ambitious Swachch Bharat Abhiyan on October 2; 2014 till 2019 and the main aim of the initiative was to recognize cleanliness as the major key which can keep our country disease free. It was the best tribute that Shri Narendra Modi and his government could pay Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary. The campaign's main focus was on rural parts of India because it is that part of the country which is often overlooked and this ignorance has led many villagers to death.

The campaign was getting successful. Government's efforts in making many public toilets ; dustbins ; pure water and proper drainage system even helped my village also to overcome the issue of poor sanitation and today we all are united and are working for the cleanliness of our villages. We are cleaning our homes as well as trying to keep streets and roads clean by disposing the garbages properly and acting as a responsible citizen of our country.

I am really grateful to Mahatma Gandhi and Narendra Modi who brought a big conversion in our country and gifted us a clean and healthy village and brought a smile on every villager's face. We pledge to continue our work for cleanliness and sanitation of our country.
I love my country... Happy Independence Day🇮🇳🇮🇳
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