

The Love Life chapter 06
What to do
I sat there in silence looking at him, shocked.After a few minutes he waved his hand in my face and I was back in reality.I started to laugh and I said that's the best excuse you can come up with after you left me in the park on my own.I just stared at him and he said it's not a joke it's true.Didn't you ask me a few weeks ago why my skin is so hot.I said that makes kinda sense but you still didn't answer my question.He said,I left you because another werewolf from another pack was following us.I asked pack what is that and he said a pack is like a family but only with werewolves.I said that's cool but now there's another question.Why did you come to my house today I know I already asked you but I didn't get a real answer then so why?he said a few weeks ago when you touched my face to look if I had a fever I went crazy,I couldn't stop thinking about you and I thought I should see you again.I blushed and said that wouldn't be a problem because I kinda like you.He leaned in and said I kinda like you to.I felt his warm breath on me and I don't know where I got the strength from but I grabbed him by his collar and kissed him.He of course kissed me back.We kissed until my phone rang it was my mom.I answered and she asked why I'm not coming in I said Daniel was telling me something.She asked what and I said mom I'll tell you later.He looked at me and said don't tell her.I said I wouldn't betray you like that and kissed him again.His lips are so soft and warm.My hands went in his curly hair and he grabbed me and placed me on top of him in his lap.My hands started to explore and they went under his polo shirt and felt his abs.I wanted to see them so I started to pull up his shirt but he stopped me and said if I'm going to do this it needs to be right.I looked at him and I knew he meant my house and the car.I stopped,but I really wanted to see these and I pointed at his polo.He smiled and said another day when you're ready.I said yeah do you want to have dinner with us, you shouldn't go with an empty stomach.He said yeah I'll come in and meet your mom with a laugh.I acted as if I was annoyed with him but he kept laughing.We went inside and he met my mom and just then my dad came in.He was back from his business trip and he looked tired.When my dad turned around he saw Daniel and said hello.My dad asked who Daniel was but I couldn't answer because I didn't know what we were at the moment.So Daniel answered I'm 16 I'm turning 17next month and I'm Chrystal's boyfriend I think.My dad looked at me and asked if it was true and I said yes he's my boyfriend.My dad smiled and left to take a shower.When he came down we ate dinner and talked.I was excused and so was Daniel.I walked Daniel to his car and gave him a goodnight kiss.He got in the car and drove away.

best one is yet to come.