

The Outbreak (ep2)
The characters,places and events described in the story has no connection with real life and all are imaginary and only for the purpose of the story.

This is the continuation of previous episode, so I recommend you to read that first those who have not read it.


After hearing that I was just shocked , because he went to market , house, and returned to the lab. We were just safe because we were wearing lab protective suit .
I went close to him and said

"Sir you are carrying a virus in your body "

"No way ..what are you talking....". said Sir

I was worried "Sir, listen carefully you have exposed to a deadly amount of virus"

Senior Scientist said hiding something "I don't know what are you talking about"

listening this trainee came to sir "Sir that experiment was a CATASTROPHE"

I was unaware of that thing and I was listening to this experiment for the first time
I just roared to him "what type of experiment was that??...I just got the information that it was a powerful experiment"

"Yes , man it was only a powerful experiment but OUR GREAT POWER INVITED CATASTROPHE". said Senior Scientist.