

Alcohol Addictions
Alcohol addiction is at its peak in killing, stealing and destroying the precious lives of people.
Alcohol addiction is a chronic relapsing disorder associated with compulsive alcohol drinking, the loss of control over intake and the emergence of a negative emotional state when alcohol is no longer available.
I agree with the above definition but to a lesser extent, it is a continuous assumption of alcohol even if it is not available but they are impending factors which contributes to the addiction. The addiction does not just happen but it carries with a pregnancy that will give birth to the addiction that we see with our naked eyes.
It can be said it's pleasure, but there is no such pleasure which kills the body, soul and spirit. According to the bible, 2 Corinthians 10:3 reads, 'the god of this age has blinded the eyes of many'. The devil himself had established a norm that alcohol consumption is good and people they will just die.

Basing on the causes and effects of alcohol addiction it does not just start ,but happens gradually under many internal and external influences.

Internal influences:

Includes personality traits
✍️Introversion. This mostly happen to man who can't challenge the societal norms that man are strong, they are not permitted to say out the things which are hurting them be it depression, stress, anxiety, in the process they will turn to alcohol which acts as a stress reliever. Slowly but surely addiction creeps in.

✍️ The Diagnostic Statistical Manual5(DSM5) propounded by American Psychiatrist highlighted some disorders like major depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, schizoprenia and some other disorders, they also contribute towards to the addiction of alcohol

✍️ The internal struggles mainly faced by youths in this ama 2k generation is low levels of self esteem which would otherwise surpress the hidden potential to success, this is further explained by the theory of Abraham Maslow in Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.

The external influence also are a contributing factors towards alcohol addiction

✍️ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD). This is mainly caused by death of a loved one, accident, witnessing natural disasters like cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis and so forth and other intimidating incidences. In order to run away from stress, alcohol is the best solution for some
✍️ Child abuse
Many young teens and young adults run away from stress caused by the ill-treatment they receive to the admission of alcohol consumption. Early intakes of alcohol may lead to brain damage especially the prefrontal lobe which is the major function of the brain, which functions for the most complex daily endeavours. The other part is amygdala which controls emotions. So when an individual is now an alcohol addict he or she can do unspeakable things; cases like rape, gender based violence, murder will come to light because an individual is under the influence of alcohol. At this stage when an individual grows he or she will not meaningfully participate in activities like economy participation, youths movement and so forth. It requires the grace of God to snatch him out of the den.
✍️ Unemployment
Unemployment a major problem amongst youths. Since a lot of youths have nothing to do, they turn to alcohol so as to awaken their mood and forget all the struggles they are facing. Instead of watching poverty dancing in the house, with no food on the table, no decent clothing , one may turn to alcohol for stress relief. The continuous consumption of alcohol will lead one to maladaptive behaviours. Instead of being productive in life, indeed there will be chaos in the society, cases of robbery, human trafficking, ill-treating innocent children, masturbation and many other factors.
✍️Early child marriages
Due to fear of responsibilities some youths in the early days of pregnancy are more prone to alcohol abuse. Due to depression and anxiety about tomorrow, becoming an unplanned parent, blaming themselves for committing such a shameful act, slowly but surely with every sip of alcohol it can be an addiction which is a serious issue which needs to be raised.
It is so sad for one to be infected with AIDS at a latter stage. Some people especially youths will give up and see themselves as worth nothing. Stigma, stereotypes of the society may shape their character and lead them to consume more alcohol, which is the easiest way of dying.
✍️Peer pressure
It has it's own role in influencing the behaviour of an individual. According to Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura said a behaviour is learned by observing others. It is in observing peers or imitating parents who drinks. This will result in some negative effects.

In as much as we tried to capture the causes of alcoholic addiction. There are some possible solutions which we would implement so we may fight against this pandemic

✍️Seek professional help from experts such as social workers, psychologists, clinicians
✍️ Build self esteem. Always believe
✍️Be confident
✍️ Identify your purpose and pursue it
✍️Always have a positive mindset
✍️ Trust God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but acknowledge him in your ways.(Proverbs 3:5)
✍️ Practice self care
✍️ Jeremiah 29:11 this is not the end of the road.... I have plans for you not of destruction but plans of a future and a hope
✍️Isaiah 5:11 Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame. God hates drunkards.
✍️ There is hope for you and me. Together we can overcome this addiction. Let's talk together. A problem solved is a problem shared.
✍️ Have faith in God always
✍️ Speak positive affirmations daily looking at yourself in the mirror
✍️ Personalise the word of God and it will become active and alive.

Keep shining and be blessed 💪

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Mendy Majome